On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 2:15 PM, Jason L Tibbitts III <ti...@math.uh.edu> wrote:
>>>>>> "DU" == Darren Upsolla <abovefrombe...@hotmail.com> writes:
> DU> i havent and i want him to drop dead and never work with
> DU> this fvwm project
> This behavior is unacceptable.  In all my years participating in this
> project I have not seen anything so reprehensible, and I will not stand
> for it.
>  - J< (the list owner)

I wish this character would have been banned several posts ago.
Anyone spouting off like that without any constructive value has no
place in any forum such as this.  The humor of someone with very
little skill in the English language complaining about documentation
is quickly lost when the episode diverts real time from serious work.

So what is to keep the limitless cash of corporate behemoths from
poisoning forums such as this with cheap outsourced labor?  If our
good friend Thomas now needs to "take a break", that scenario
certainly seems plausible.  Early on in the tirade, the hotmail address
ticked my paranoia side.  But even if it is not the case this time, it could
happen in the future.

Thank you Lisi for putting to words what I should have said sooner.

-- Jason Weber   (13 years using fvwm)

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