2009/9/29 Jesús Guerrero <i92gu...@terra.es>:
> On Mon, 28 Sep 2009 21:49:19 -0600, Kelly Jones
> <kelly.terry.jo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In an older version of fvwm2, this line in my .fvwm2rc file:
>> FvwmAuto 100 Raise
>> autoraised windows when I hovered over them for 100ms.
>> With the latest fvwm2, it doesn't. How to fix?

Remove any references to "ModulePath" in your .fvwm2rc file then it
will work just fine.

> My brain doesn't remember about older versions. But at least now to load a
> module you have to use the Module command.
> Module FvwmAuto <whatever else>

No, this isn't right.  See:

And to quote myself:

FVWM will try and do the following (in order):

1.  Match it to one of its internal commands.
2.  Match it to a function name.
3.  Match it to a module.

Of course, you can always tell FVWM explicitly what you mean with, say one of:

Function CheckNextWindow
Module  CheckNextWindow

Where the name of the function and/or module isn't already ambiguous
to FVWM you don't need the Function or Module prefix as an example:

DestroyFunc CheckNextWindow
AddToFunc CheckNextWindow
+ I Beep

# Make the computer beep.
# Note that FVWM here will execute the function above because it's not
# an internal command, nor is it a module.

DestroyModuleConfig CheckNextWindow:*
*CheckNextWindow: Columns 1
*CheckNextWindow: Rows 1
*CheckNextWindow: (1x1)

FvwmButtons CheckNextWindow

The reason why that works, is the module alias of CheckNextWindow has
to be explicitly told to load via FvwmButtons. Confer with the

DestroyFunc FvwmButtons
AddToFunc FvwmButtons
+ I Beep

# Make the computer beep

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmButtons:*
*FvwmButtons: Columns 1
*FvwmButtons: Rows 1
*FvwmButtons: (1x1)

# Again, the computer beeps because the function has overriden the
# lookup of the module name.

In order to get your FvwmButtons module to load, and keep the function
about, we should explicitly state that we're wanting to load a module,

Module FvwmButtons

Will do that, in the above.   Of course, these are all very silly examples.

-- Thomas Adam

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