[ Please keep this on-list.   Re-adding f...@]

2009/10/25 Charlie <aries...@clearmail.com.au>:
> The file is enormous and I'm loath to copy it to email or even send it
> as an attachment. However if you confirm that I should........ and if
> it should be just to you alone or the list?

Use a pastebin.  I set this up for the #fvwm IRC channel:


> One other thing as well, if I may:
> Using: fvwm 2.5.28 compiled on Sep 22 2009 at 05:57:07
> fvwm-themes 0.7.1 built on Jul 03 2009 at 13:48:26
> I don't appear to have an ~/.fvwm/config file?

That's because you'd have to create it -- it's the recommended file to
use for your FVWM config over ~/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc or ~/.fvwm2rc -- see
the "INITIALIZATION" section in "man fvwm" for more information.

-- Thomas Adam

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