Thanks for the reply!

Your suggestion does seem to have some impact, for example, the
"-backdrop" option yields a full screen window (with normal borders)
but with the lower and right borders extending beyond the viewable
area.  I might be able to make it fit the animation with the
"-geometry" option, but this is not a good general solution for
animations of varying sizes...  Strangely, the "-borderwidth" option
seems to not have any affect.  So far I can not reproduce the simple
elegance of a normal window border (like I had before the upgrade).
Perhaps I'll ask the ImageMagick folks...

But to follow up with FVWM...

I thought FVWM could be configured to set a border width that would
overrule whatever the app wants.

For example, the WireShark network sniffer program has a "Follow TCP
Stream" window that normally refuses to let a person maximize it.
FVWM let's me use "ResizeHintOverride" to solve that problem and
overrule the program (it turns out that that window redraws itself
quite nicely when maximized).

I guess I'm surprised that I can't override the BorderWidth even if
the app sets it to zero...  Can't I boss this app around with FVWM?


- Tor

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 08:55:13PM +0000, Thomas Adam wrote:
> 2009/10/26  <>:
> >  Style "ImageMagick*"
> >    GNOMEIgnoreHints, NoFuncHint, NoDecorHint,
> >    EWMHIgnoreStackingOrderHints, EWMHIgnoreStrutHints,
> >    EWMHIgnoreStateHints, EWMHIgnoreWindowType,
> >    EWMHMaximizeIgnoreWorkingArea, EWMHPlacementIgnoreWorkingArea
> This isn't anything to do with FVWM.  You'll note from
> xprop/xwininfo/FvwmIdent that the application displaying the gif (I
> have one here with a teddy bear in it) sets the "boundaryWidth: 0".
> That's set by the application.
> According to the animate docs, this is changeable by using the
> "-backdrop" option, and presumably then a combination of "-geometry!"
> and/or "-borderwidth", but YMMV.
> -- Thomas Adam

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