On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 5:37 PM, Thomas Adam <thomas.ada...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/11/21 Jonathan Kotta <jpko...@gmail.com>:
>> First, it seems like the "units" are not always consistent for a given
>> window.  For pixel-based windows, it seems to work OK, in the sense I
>> can apply the binds an equal number of times, and I don't make the
>> window too small, I get back to exactly the same size.  For
>> character-based windows (terminals), they usually get smaller, more so
>> in the y direction.  Example: an xterm starts at 211x76, after -5c,-5c
>> it's 189x72, and after +5c,+5c it's 210x75.
> Yes, this is always intentional, AFAIK.

>From the man page:
    With a ’c’ suffix the unit defined by the client application
    (hence the c) is used.  So you can say

        Resize 80c 24c

    to make a terminal window just big enough for 80x24 characters.

So it makes it sound like for a given window, the unit doesn't change.
 Is the method of finding the unit inherently unreliable?  This
problem happens with different applications, so it seems to me like
it's not (completely) an application problem.

>> The second problem is when resizing an OpenOffice window, it moves
>> *both* the top left and bottom right corners.
> This is likely due to the window not having a WindowGravity of NorthWest.

Indeed, it's not.  Is there any way to change that?  I tried
MoveByProgramMethod because it's the only thing in the man page with a
mention of "gravity", but it didn't change anything.

> -- Thomas Adam


Jonathan Kotta

Hofstadter's Law:
    It always takes longer than you expect, even
    when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.

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