Hi everybody,

I have been trying to get this:

# Shrink/Enlarge Horizontal/Vertical 
Key minus     W 4     Resize w+0p  w-70p 
Key minus     W 4S    Resize w-70p w+0p 
Key plus      W 4     Resize w+0p  w+70p 
Key plus      W 4S    Resize w+70p w+0p

Into a function. I have tried:

DestroyFunc     F-Resize
AddToFunc       F-Resize
+ I Resize w$1p w$2p
+ I WarpToWindow 50 50

# Shrink/Enlarge Horizontal/Vertical
Key minus       W 4     F-Resize  +0 -70
Key minus       W 4S    F-Resize -70  +0
Key plus        W 4     F-Resize  +0 +70
Key plus        W 4S    F-Resize +70  +0

The function works in these cases:

Key minus       W 4     F-Resize  +0 -70
Key plus        W 4     F-Resize  +0 +70

And it does not in these cases:

Key minus       W 4S    F-Resize -70  +0
Key plus        W 4S    F-Resize +70  +0

I would very much appreciate if you could give me some hints in what I
am doing wrong. 

Best 2010-fvwm wishes to all!

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