>>>>> "ta" == Thomas Adam <thomas.ada...@gmail.com> writes:

    ta> 2010/1/8 Jim Kalb <jimk...@gmail.com>:
    >> I've been using 2.4.20 (under Slackware 13.0) and grown
    >> attached to the following functions, which depend on the old
    >> Unix program xcuckoo:

    ta> If, from my limited googling, this application just updates
    ta> the window title periodically, it's probably using
    ta> XSetWMName() or something. That's OK, but like xprop, which
    ta> will try and do the same thing, not all applications will
    ta> like or accept this.

    ta> You might want to ditch xcuckoo though and look into wmctrl
    ta> -- which was written sometime this century.

Thanks much!

It indeed works by updating the window title periodically.

It's not a problem with the application though but with the window
manager--emacs and Terminal titles get updated just fine in fvwm
2.4, twm and mwm but not in fvwm 2.5, fluxbox, or windowmaker.

The manpage says (if relevant):


       xcuckoo recognises top level resources stored in the
       RESOURCE_MANAGER property of the server's root window that
       have the same names as the option keywords, except for
       display, since the display has to be opened in order to read
       the property, and version. They are, with their defaults:

             window:    TWM Icon Manager
             icon:      false
             command:   date "+%H:%M"
             mode:      replace
             separator: <space>
             update:    60
             wait:      0

       Any value other than true for the icon resource is
       equivalent to false.

Don't know if that rings any bells. If not, I'll look at wmctrl. A
quick google suggests it might be used in a script that can do the
same thing, although scripting isn't my long suit.

Thanks again,


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