On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 04:33:13PM -0500, Martin Cracauer wrote:
> Hello :-)
> Some of you might have seen my discussion on the Xorg list about the
> classic dual-screen mode effectively being phased out by Xorg (drivers
> dropping what they call Zaphod mode), in favor of moving everybody to
> xrandr for multiple displays.

Nope, but then again, I did read a really interesting discussion about the
Great Klondike --- perhaps I will fire off an email to the LKML about it.

> In case you don't know, this means there is only one $DISPLAY and a
> window manager with virtual desktops will (assuming it even gets along
> with randr in the first) place switch all display's desktop at the
> same time.  There is no more just switching your left screen and
> leaving the right screen where it is.  The Xorg discussion goes on
> with my I don't like that at all and want to continue using classic
> dual-screen.  You can read the details here:
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg/2010-February/thread.html
> Start with
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg/2010-February/049154.html

But this has nothing to do with FVWM.  All FVWM guarantees is that it works
with how X (Xinerama in this case) provides its interface.  If that
changes... then it changes.

> So, my question is: anybody here has any idea what would be involved
> in doing this?

Quite a bit of work.  FVWM would have to determine and expose for itself
what it considered a *screen* and how virtual desks relate to that.

It doesn't do that at the moment, and can't say I can see it ever doing that
-- what's the point?

-- Thomas Adam

"It was the cruelest game I've ever played and it's played inside my head."
-- "Hush The Warmth", Gorky's Zygotic Mynci.

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