David Chanters <david.chant...@googlemail.com> writes:

> On 17 March 2010 23:16, Thomas Adam <tho...@xteddy.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 10:10:35PM +0000, David Chanters wrote:
>>> On 17 March 2010 22:00,  <des...@verizon.net> wrote:
>>> > The way I understand your request, you are asking for Fvwm to
>>> > un-minimize windows on a restart.
>>> or any window that id used initialmapcommand on - it was useful if id
>>> done something to these windows to put them in their original state
>>> when restarting fvwm
>> Well, you could cheat.  If you knew you had groups of windows which you had
>> toggleable actions on, such as Iconify and Maximize, then you could make use
>> of State to assign those actions, such as:
> this works but is a lot of effort for me to do.
> can you provide an alternative? or just revert to the old behavior?
> i prefer the old behavior

Well in that case why not start a fork?! Call it fvwmBP (bug-preserver)
Go back to the last release which contained your preferred behaviour and
go from there - the source is available after all, this is open-source
software. For Thomas to revert just to preserve your favourite bug would
be silly - but YOU can do it if you like - isn't freedom wonderful? :-)



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