I have the Mouse configuration setup of (among other things):

        # move window with mouse 2 on an icon or a titlebar
        Mouse 2 IT N    Move

 In fvwm 2.4.20, the window move is initiated immediately when button 2
is pressed.  In fvwm 2.5.30 (and CVS) for me, the move is delayed and
only starts on button-up (and then I have to click again to finish the
move). This seems to happen even when I have 'Mouse 2 P N PlaceWindow'
(or even 'Mouse 0 P N PlaceWindow').

 This doesn't happen for other buttons, eg I also have 'Mouse 1
T N Move' and if I use mouse button 1 on window titles they move
immediately without waiting for button-up.

 Clearly I'm doing something wrong and/or missing something here.
Any advice?

        - cks

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