Dominik Vogt schrieb:
On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 07:39:09PM +0200, Christian Ehrlicher wrote:
I've a problem with fvwm2 window positioning when using Qt4 in fvwm2. It works
fine with KDE. You can reproduce it with the attached example. You can compile
it with the following steps:

- create a subdir 'example'
- place main.cpp in there
- execute 'qmake -project'
- then 'qmake'
- and then 'make'

When you start the resulting executable without an argument and then with an
argument (doesn't matter what you give as argument) you can see that the
resulting window position differs.
It looks like when the window is moved before it gets shown the windeco isn't
took into account which leads to a displacement in the y-axis.

Without going into the details:  It's not a bug, it's a feature.
If you don't like that behaviour, use this line in your .fvwm2rc:

   style * MoveByProgramMethod UseGravity

Wow - never thought about such a solution ;)
But I've another bug but I currently can't provide a testcase which is simple enough for a mailing list. I'll try to explain - maybe you've also such an easy solution for it (but I doubt). It's a normal toplevel window which shows information about an entity. When no entity is selected I hide the window. Then it's later shown when a another entity is selected. Now I've a problem when I hide the window twice it doesn't show up afterwards again - no matter what I try. I did not test it with .31, only with .26 because the solution was simple - destroy isntead hide the window.


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