My 2c, as a relatively new list member.

I too think highly of Thomas; he's generally quite helpful on the list, and
capable of being a very nice and warm fellow. He seems to be extraordinarily
dedicated to the project. 

But in my interactions with him on the list and off, he has also occasionally
exhibited some behavior that I find objectionable, enough so that it has made
me think twice about becoming involved as a contributor (which was part of my
original intent when I joined the list a few months back).  It's possible to
like and respect someone, yet be leery of wishing to work directly with them.

Thomas is aware of my beefs with him; we've discussed it frankly.  In fact,
we've been exchanging emails recently, discussing (among other things)
alternative ways that I might be able to contribute that would put me less
in the "line of fire" of the behaviors that I find troublesom. It's been a
respectful, constructive discussion.  We'll see what happens.


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