
I was reading
yesterday and today. This page was very hard to read, because:

1.) it contained some typos that caused me to recognize the typos first
    before I could guess what was meant with these sentences

2.) very different topics were mixed up into one long text without
    boundaries and summaries

3.) there are some English phrasings whose meaning I could only guess
    after the second, third or fourth read, because they are a kind of
    complex common speech that no dictionary known to me contains
    (English is a foreign language for me)

3rd reason: English phrasings
The third reason is a reason where the reader has to do something:
Learn that bloody language! There was one phrasing (that one I guessed
after the fourth read) I had to complete with the following add-on:

> (with other words, it will eliminate the shell as soon as it is ready
> with spawning "foo").

I hope, my add-on is correct. It may be redundant, but this redundance
would help the reader to classify these two statements

> so that we don't leave the shell around that FVWM used to spawn "foo"


> The double "Exec exec" takes care of that for us

into the right context. (Take care of what? Around? Around what?
Oh, I see, LEAVE around! Span "foo"? Why not spawn "foo"? That would
make sense!)

1st reason: Typos
Well, I corrected some typos and set some commas for the sake of
readability (span --> spawn, ...).

2nd reason: no boundaries and no summaries
I got an account and chopped up this text into easily digestible bits
by separating the text into sections and inventing headers
(section titles). Altogether, I added two more levels and confined
the table of contents to the former two levels in order to ensure
that the TOC doesn't deface the introduction.

Someone could remove the bullets in section 3 (Miscellaneous things).
I left them there, because I tried to be minimal with my changes.
I want to test if my changes obtain acceptance at all.

Best regards,

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