Thomas Adam wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 09, 2012 at 10:41:46PM +0100, Michael Großer wrote:
>> When I only set "*FvwmIdent: MinimalLayer 6" without
>> the Style commands, though the FvwmIdent window
>> appears on layer 6, but the vector buttons in the window
>> decorations, wich I draw with ButtonStyle in my
>> "0001_window_decorations" config file, do not
>> get refreshed. They will get refreshed when I focus
>> another window. Setting the styles I need anyway
>> (StaysOnTop + NeverFocus) prevents this sort of laziness
>> of the vector buttons. This is a bug I know for months,
>> and I use "Stick" "Stick" to work around this.
>> Since I have a workaround, I would classify this
>> bug as "it would be nice if someone would fix it".
> Big man, he say "Woo, bright light in sky.  Oog.", and the villagers, they
> rejoice because it comforts them.  "Oog, oog, oog." they prance around in
> delight, whilst looking up at the bright light in the sky.
> Unfortunately, this doesn't have anything to do with my original reply.
> Unfortunately though, I've now conflated that with said reply, so you're
> likely just as confused as I was when reading this.
> Michael, if you've got two separate problems, please treat them as such.  So
> far, I've had to do the following:
> * Wade through a plethora of FVWM config which isn't really related to your
>   problem most of the time, but gets included by you somehow because it's
>   easier.  Fine, but my brain is tired of interpreting it all the time.
> * Separate out in my head the different issues and decide if they're even
>   related.
> * Still give meaningful replies to you based on observations you've had, but
>   which haven't been asked as questions by you, but actually form more
>   important information than anything you might have mentioned (difficult on
>   your part because if you knew this information you wouldn't have to ask
>   the questions in the first place, I know).
> None of the information you've given above about vector buttons ever *made*
> it in to your original email, and yet now they're conflated with
> minimal_layers and God knows what else.
> Separate them out, and ask separate questions, as many as you like in
> different email threads if you so wish, but don't give me disparate pieces
> of information like the above and expect me to be able to connect the dots.
> It just won't work.
> So, the above will need explaining -- because it makes no sense to me.
> -- Thomas Adam

In order to elaborate all weak points of FVWM to tackle them later,
I actually should create an account at "";
and post there my list I mentioned yesterday.

Then I should work for the next two or three years based on this list
(using reference numbers for each list item) to separate things
out, set priorities, provide more pieces of information for each
"problem". For me, a lot of problems are "unsolved", but only few
of them interfere with my daily workflow. The remainder of them are
just little flaws that cause workarounds.

Is it OK to do it this way? Making a list in the forum, working with
reference numbers and (if possible) not using more than one reference
numbers in one e-mail or forum thread?

I can live with separating the topics from each other. Only, please
know that I need a lot of time to painstakingly collect all pieces
of information for each reference number, to perform tests in my
own environments and to check out all workarounds or problem-solving
approaches I receive from you and other members of this community.

As mentioned above, I possibly will need weeks, months or years
to tackle all of these "problems", together with you and the community.
You will live with the fact that I will mention a problem first
and you will have to wait possibly several months until I provide
more pieces of information that enable you to solve or even (entirely)
understand a particular "problem".

Some problems you will not understand when I just "mention" them.
Other problems you will remember like a shot, because you just know
them. Trouble is that I cannot know which of these two cases will
occur when I simply "mention" a problem without providing details.


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