On Thu, Feb 09, 2012 at 12:32:42AM +0100, Mathieu Bonnet wrote:
> - MoveToDeskAndPage
> - MoveAndGotoDesk, MoveAndGotoPage, MoveAndGotoDeskAndPage

You can do these using a complex function, which I prefer in lieuof
non-specific hard-coded commands in FVWM.

> 03) Why "EWMHNoMiniIconOverride", and not
> "!EWMHMiniIconOverride"? Is it still not deprecated? Will it be
> in the future? (if not it should, for consistency). Does
> "!EWMHMiniIconOverride" already works?

Because EWMH is out-of-band to the original style options, but since
EWMH_CMD_Style() receives the toggle flag "on" to indicate "!Foo" versus
"Foo", it wouldn't be hard to do for this.

> - It's not even consistent for the same form of options... In
> EWMH options, you already have "EWMHIgnoreWindowType" vs.
> "!EWMHIgnoreWindowType"... (However you should really use
> positive names, to avoid double-negatives, which are more
> confusing... I suppose you used "Ignore", because the default
> is not to ignore, to avoid having to use '!' symbols, but it
> makes names inconsistent, and defaults can change -and AFAIC I
> prefer to define most everything anyway, to be sure, so it
> makes everything quite complex).

No -- simply retro-fitting negations to use !Foo which form negative
negations, cannot work, and were not meant to work like this.   So in
introducing negations for EWMH-specific types, you'd need a little map to
handle this and rename the option.

> ==========
> 04) I'd say the default configuration should:


> 05) Isn't there any way to EdgeResistance to switch desktop
> pages with some pixel distance traveled outside the screen
> area? A simple timer changes nothing to the problem of putting

No, because we look at Enter/Leave events in the pan windows which form the
"edges" of the page.  You could then further track MotionNotify events in
this, but it's pointless and not well-defined.

> 08) Why is UrgencyFunc by default so pushy? Why is it filled
> internally and not simply part of the default configuration
> files generated when requested on first start, so we can easily
> notice and adjust/remove it?

It's defined in ConfigFvwmDefaults, and staying there.  Just like several
other functions you won't have heard of, but provide functionality out of
the box for you.

> ==========
> 09) Why are there internal default keyboard and mouse bindings?
> Same as UrgencyFunc, they should all be defined in the default
> configuration files generated when requested on first start, so
> we can easily notice and adjust/remove them. This is a matter
> of control and security in case you add any other internal
> default bindings. And this is a matter of simplicity so we
> don't have to find them all (`PrintInfo bindings`, manual, web
> hoping it is updated) and reset them.

You miss the point of why I wrote "PrintInfo bindings", and see above.  It's
to provide minimal out-of-the-box configurations even when there's no
default config and/or, that such a FVWM config either augments, or replaces
that functionality found in ConfigFvwmDefaults.

If you don't like something, change it.  That's the way it works.

> - If you are really worried about configuration mistakes making
> us lose all access to FVWM commands, then at least provide some
> option which would reset all builtin bindings easily, without
> having to worry about future changes.

See above.

> ==========
> 10) There should be special keywords for the Layer command, for
> the bottom/put/top layers as specified by the DefaultLayers
> command. There should also be references to the Layer command
> in the manual, from the DefaultLayers command section, and from
> the StaysOnBottom, StaysPut, and StaysOnTop style descriptions.

No, there should be no more Stays* commands, and everything should use

> ==========
> 11) Why isn't WindowListFunc prefixed with 'Fvwm' like some
> other builtin functions? I suppose I should use my own prefix

Because there is no "standard" for this, and all FvwmFoo functions/menu
definitions you've seen are examples.

> (but without namespace support, there is always a risk that a
> simple prefix may be used some day), but mixing functions with
> and without the 'Fvwm' prefix can be a bit confusing, and some
> people may mistakenly override a builtin function, maybe losing
> some functionality, or replacing them, with possible
> control/security risks.

But see above -- namespacing is a more dangerous thing to suggest here, and
I've yet to see *any* problems from not muddying the waters with this.

> ==========
> 12) I'd like to have an empty space on the right of window
> titlebars, between the minimize/maximize buttons, and the close
> button. I used an empty button with the Nop command, which is
> visually ok although I would prefer full control of the space
> to reduce it a bit, including in case I may want to add more
> buttons there (like a sticky button on the left of the minimize
> button, with yet another margin... I cannot even do it now
> using an empty button, because it would require 6 buttons on
> the right side). However, it still shows a hand when hovering
> the area, which I would like to avoid.

You can do this already,

> 13) ImagePath does not accept double quotes around the path
> list.

Yes it does.

> ==========
> 14) Configuration GTK en su root.


> ==========
> 15) "TitleStyle Centered Height 22", but "Style * BorderWidth
> 7, HandleWidth 7"? (there should be a BorderStyle alternative
> syntax to specify these settings, like there is with
> TitleStyle).

No.  These are being replaced slowly.

> ==========
> 16) Rounded corners for window borders. From what I understand,

In the future, yes.

> 17) BorderStyle should accept more styles. For example, Solid,
> instead of having to give a colorset.

No. It's not a Decor.

> ==========
> 18) Why is there a "Background" option for colorsets, but no
> "Highlight" (only "Hilight")? It's even shorter by one
> character... Also, "hilight" is used as a noun and verb all
> through the manual, which from what I can see is an incorrect
> usage.

Patches welcome to the documentation _only_.  Why have you not also picked
up on Colorset versus Colourset?

> ==========
> 19) Apparently we cannot set different pixmaps for each border,
> nor style the corners independently from the borders. What if I

You can with a patch I wrote, but it's pointless adding it to FVWM now --
the decor code doesn't need it.

> 21) "Olive" is missing from my /usr/share/X11/rgb.txt. When set
> as a background color with TitleStyle Inactive, through a
> colorset, it leads to a black background. While this surely
> should be the responsibility of Xorg maintainers, I suppose
> that for some obscure matter, they still refuse to add it (they
> have various color names containing "olive", and "olive" is an
> HTML 3.2 and SVG color). It would be nice to include aliases
> for all colors mentioned in HTML/CSS/SVG, which are not
> included in Xorg, to avoid having to use RGB values.

No, X11 doesn't work like this.

> ==========
> 22) The rgb:XX/XX/XX format is used in examples in the manual,
> but not explained independently, and there are apparently no
> mention to the #XXXXXX format, which seems to be used by some
> people, and I think I already tested it, although it sure is
> not very good for it to use the '#' which is used for comments
> in the file (even if maybe only at the beginning of lines
> here?).

man FvwmTheme

> - Maybe an rgb:XXXXXX format should be supported too. It would
> make it easier to copy-paste from and to other sources,
> compared to the rgb:XX/XX/XX format.

No thanks.  We've too many formats as it is.

> ==========
> 23) If I use "TitleStyle Centered Height 16", the application
> mini-icon is 12x12px instead of 16x16px (i.e., there is some

Correct.  The application sets this.

> 24) I'm used to being able to click the root window to unfocus
> windows, to remove the text cursor and prevent text entry. It's
> mostly a tic, but I'd like to reproduce this in FVWM, which by
> default, after having remove the left-click root menu, does not
> unfocus windows at all when clicking the root window.


> 25) Why "Iconify", "Maximize", "Delete", etc., but
> "WindowShade"?


> ==========
> 26) I bound mouse buttons 6 to 9 to simple commands, and I get
> on stderr things like:
> [fvwm][ParseBinding]: <<WARNING>> Got mouse button 6 when the
> maximum is 5. You can't bind complex functions to this button.
> To suppress this warning, use: Silent Mouse 6 W 3 WindowShade
> - FVWM should detect if it will work, and do not print a
> warning. I don't want to clutter my session log file, and would
> like to avoid using an additional keyword for no reason.

No, not it shouldn't.  This is in the FVWM FAQ.

> 28) Apparently "TitleStyle Colorset" only sets the background
> color. For the foreground color, "Style * ForeColor" and
> "HilightFore" color must be used.

Use colorsets, please.

> - Also, colorsets have a "Hilight" property, but it does not
> differentiate between background and foreground.
> - More generally, colorsets seem underused.

Yes.  2.6.X has only just gone stable.  I am not expecting miracles from
people upgrading from 2.4.X just yet.

> As another example, in FvwmButtons, the manual says the
> "Colorset" option only sets the background color... We have to
> use the "Fore" option for the foreground, and apparently it
> does not accept colorsets. Not only is this inconsistent, but
> it also make us lose the benefit of centralizing color
> definitions to easily change them...

I think you've got your knickers in a twist here -- a defined colorset works
fine in FvwmButtons.

> It would be nice to be able to use names for colorsets, instead
> of numbers. It would ease things a lot, when working on complex

You can with InfoStore.

> configurations with a lot of modules and color variations
> between modules.
> ==========
> 29) I noticed a few typos in the manuals. You should at least
> use a spell checker to limit these (including FVWM keywords,
> using a personal dictionary).

Unless you send a patch for these, I'm not interested.

> 30) I use "Style FvwmButtons FixedSize, FixedPosition" for my
> system panel, it does prevent resizing/movements, but the mouse
> cursor still changes when hovering the border.

Yes.  There is no way to know in advance anything about the action a user
might do to this, and I would not like to fool them by not changing the

> 31) I do not understand what the ColormapFocus does. The manual
> says very little about it. Searching for "Colormap" leads us to
> a large paragraph about color depth... If I understand it
> correctly, considering I use a depth of 24 bits, I should not
> care at all about this option? It should be written in the
> description of the ColormapFocus command.

It's somewhat legacy, but still useful.  I won't give you the long details,
but it's to do with how the pallet of available colours an application can
use, is allocated.

> 33) FvwmButtons manual: the option following the "Legacy fields
> [title icon command]" option is titled "The command", which can
> leave us to think that the option is named "The", and that
> "command" is a parameter.


> 35) What if I want more separation between the different pages
> of a swallowed FvwmPager? I may want to put each page in
> different buttons, but the pager only allow to specify the
> desks to show, not the pages... And I want to keep some
> grouping, including for labels and easier keyboard shortcuts,
> so I can't use 1x1 desks.

Then you don't want to use a pager.  You want to use FvwmEvent, and

> - It would be useful for more complex designs like aligning
> pages in diagonal or even in zig-zags.

Really?  Think about that a bit more, and then say it out loud to yourself.

> ==========
> 36) There are regularly missing (and/or undocumented) options
> and option values, corresponding to the default configuration.
> I'd like to be able to specify everything, to avoid the risk of
> changing defaults some day.
> - For example, in the FvwmPanel manual: "*FvwmPager:
> NoSeparators" and "*FvwmPager: SolidSeparators", but no
> "DashedSeparators".
> There are also many inconsistencies. In the example above, you
> still use "No" in some modules at least, while in the main
> manual all or most "No" are replaced with '!'. And why
> different options instead of a single "Separator" option with
> different possible values? This would also be easier to
> document.

History.  Changing these is difficult.  Seriously.

> 37) I swallowed an FvwmPager in an FvwmButtons. There is a 1px
> black line on the right of the pager, but not on the left, nor
> on top or bottom. It does not appear if I make the pager
> wider...

Set the Padding and Frame options.

> - If using dashed separators, I'd like to be able to control
> the size/spacing of the dashes. I use it in a 24px-high
> taskbar, so the current large dashes are not aesthetic.

This is an X11-thing.  So you can't.

> I would also like to specify some page padding, so windows are
> not stuck to the external borders of the pager, nor to the
> separator lines. Currently the windows even overlap the
> separation, which is apparently counted in the desk space.

This is correct with respect to where the windows are, isn't it?

> ==========
> 38) I would like to rebind the mouse shortcuts for FvwmPager
> (e.g., removing the mouse 2 and 3 actions, and using mouse 3 to
> open a panel of the swallowing FvwmButtons, adding a shortcut
> to switch page using the mouse wheel when in the pager area,
> adding a right-click menu with various stuffs like iconify all,
> close all, etc.). Of course I can add a dedicated button, but
> it could be avoidable.

Maybe we could switch to window-specific bindings for FvwmPager, but we'd
break the ability of FvwmPager to drag windows about, etc.  Hmm, no, I think
keeping it the way it is, might be best.

> - Using "Action (Mouse 3) x" on the button, does not seem to
> work/override the FvwmPager shortcuts.


> 40) FvwmIconMan manual: In the "ACTIONS" section, it says "The
> syntax for actions are: Key actions: Key Keysym Modifiers
> FunctionList". Yet the complete syntax, as I understand from
> the beginning of the manual, is: "*FvwmIconMan: [id] Action Key
> Keysym Modifiers FunctionList"

In context that's incorrect, because it's duplicated.

> ==========
> 41) I get this in my logs:
> FvwmIconMan: Bad line: *FvwmIconManUseWinList Yes
> FvwmIconMan: What is this: Yes?
> - FvwmIconMan does not accept "Yes"/"yes"/"No"/"no" for
> booleans values, contrary to the main FVWM commands/options. It
> should, for consistency.

Consistency with what?

> - Why "Clic", and not "Click"?

The author of it is French-speaking, obviously.

> 46) "*FvwmScript: Path $HOME/.fvwm/scripts" does not work.
> "$HOME" is not expanded. Same with '~'. And it does not accept
> quotes (they are included literally in the path).

FVWM doesn't expand env vars like this, including "~", so why is it any
different here, would you think?

> ==========
> 47) FvwmScript manual: "WindowTitle string" should be
> "WindowTitle { string }". Syntax error otherwise.
> - Same for "WindowLocaleTitle string" I suppose.

Again, patches?

> 51) WindowList command: I want to be able to specify the exact
> format. I notably want to include the class of the window
> first, as many applications only show it at the end, if at all,
> and relying on icons is not enough.

man FvwmWindowMenu

> ==========
> 52) In a button of an FvwmButtons, I use an icon which is
> really a picture of a button, as I don't want to use the FVWM
> button style. I'd like to avoid having to include the text of
> the button inside the picture, but there is apparently no way
> to overlay the title above the icon. It is either under or on
> the side of it. There should be an option to overlay the two.


> 53) FvwmIconMan: Apparently we cannot change the font depending
> on the state of the window (e.g., bold font for the currently
> focused window).

Yes you can.

> ==========
> 54) Functions can detect double-clicks, but triple-clicks can
> also be useful sometimes, and not too difficult to do. XTerm,
> for example, allows up to five clicks, for different selections.

This would suck.  No.

> 55) FVWM main manual: In a paragraph like: "NoUsePPosition
> instructs fvwm to ignore the program specified position
> (PPosition hint) when adding new windows. Using PPosition is
> required for some applications, but if you do not have one of
> those it's a real headache. Many programs set PPosition to
> something obnoxious like 0,0 (upper left corner).
> Note: !UsePPosition is equivalent to the deprecated option
> NoPPosition", what is the actual command to use to allow
> PPosition? "!NoUsePPosition"? "PPosition"? "UsePPosition"? Why
> is "NoPPosition" deprecated, but not "NoUsePPosition"?

Look at the code in fvwm/style.c

> - And the "NoUsePPosition" option at the beginning of the
> paragraph is not in italic (same for a lot of other options in
> the manual)... I'd say commands and options should even be in
> bold, to notice them really easily, when they have no link to
> their definition already. Although not sufficient for
> accessibility, they should also use different colors (one for
> commands, one for options).

Don't bother patching this -- is XML, and we're moving to Asciidoc.

> ==========
> 56) FVWM main manual: "An IconGrid/IconFill definition must
> follow the IconBox definition that it applies to", but no
> mention of this for IconSize... Can it be IconBox-specific too?

No, they're two different things.

> ==========
> 57) Is it really necessary to allow multiple IconBox for the
> same style? Even more than two? (if not, you could have
> DefaultIconBox/DefaultIconGrid/DefaultIconFill/DefaultIconSize


> options). Linking the concatenation of the
> IconBox/IconGrid/IconFill (and IconSize?) options is an abuse
> of the generic meaning of the syntax. Having a backslash act
> the same as a command separator is even worst. It also forces
> longer (and defining a multitude of abbreviations for otherwise
> short commands like the IconFill option is not a solution) and
> more complex lines.

Are you mistaking the backslashes for readability in the man page?

> ==========
> 60) Why "FocusByProgram", but "AllowRestack" (instead of
> "RaiseByProgram")?
> - Why are
> "PassRaiseClick/AllowRaiseClickFunction/IgnoreRaiseClickMotion"
> FocusStyle options, but "AllowRestack" is a normal Style option?

AllowRestack has nothing to do with focus.

> ==========
> 61) FVWM main manual: "FixedPosition and FixedUSPosition make
> fvwm ignore attempts of the user to move the window". What's
> the difference? Same for the other functions below. From the
> NoUsePPosition option documentation, "US" means "User" (not
> very good to use all caps, and an abbreviation, here, but camel
> case and full names for the other words), but there are the
> "FixedPPosition" and "FixedPSize" for programs... so they are
> really only simple aliases? They should be avoided.

No, they come from Xlib.  US == User-Specified.  PS == Program-Specified.
If you have to ask, you don't need them.

> ==========
> 62) Why is "ResizeOpaque" a Style option, but "OpaqueMoveSize"
> a command? Why the completely different syntax?

XServer grabs, I suspect.

> - Why not "Style * MoveOutline" instead of "OpaqueMoveSize 0"?

No one's turned it into a per-window style option.

> - FvwmSave vs. FvwmSaveDesk. Names are too close. Why the need


> 65) FvwmScroll manual: "An integer followed by a p describe a
> size as a percentage".
> - Fvwm main manual, about the Menu command: "Furthermore a
> trailing 'p' changes the interpretation to mean pixels"...
> - Inconsistent, confusing.

In context, no.  But if you compare an orange with another orange, you'll be
OK with an orange.  But compare and orange with a pumpkin, because both are
orange, what do you get?

> 68) We cannot read configuration files using jokers? ("Read

Is this your English failing here?  Only, this made me laugh.  They're
*wildcards* not Jokers.  A Joker is something you get in a pack of cards.

And you should use the term glob here, because that's what you're doing.

> *.conf"). I like split files. I can list the main configuration
> files, but I'd like to use a joker for a style subdirectory
> containing one file per application I want to customize.

If you want to glob, fine.  But that's your own doing, FVWM don't like it
past ten iterations of "-c" anyway, and furthermore, your blind glob has no
guarantee over the order of the files returned.  So you're creating yourself
more work like this.

> 71) Option for per-page focus, so we don't risk doing things in
> an application we do not see, and so we don't have to focus
> back applications everytime we do something in another page.

Write a function for this.

> - Another issue with the normal behavior of pages, is that even
> with page switching deactivated, when an application creates a
> window leaking maybe more than 50% to another page (or we move
> it similarly), and we focus it, we are switched to the other
> page, which is most confusing, frustrating, and anti-usable.

... and exactly as it should be.

> 73) I'm using "Style * IconBox none", without any other IconBox
> style definitions, nor any use of FvwmIconBox, yet, after even
> a complete FVWM restart (I mean computer restart in-between),
> when I iconify windows, they still show as icons on my
> workspace. As I'm using a taskbar, I don't want icons at all on
> my desktop (catches the attention, risks of clicking on them
> when trying to unfocus a window, etc.). Nothing about icons in
> my session log.

IconBoxes house icons.  The Icon style controls which, if any, get shown.

-- Thomas Adam

"Deep in my heart I wish I was wrong.  But deep in my heart I know I am
not." -- Morrissey ("Girl Least Likely To" -- off of Viva Hate.)

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