Thomas Adam wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 05:16:57PM +0200, JUNG, Christian wrote:
>> Hello,
>> is it possible to limit the movement of a window to the area defined by 
>> EWMHBaseStrut?
> The Move command honours the EWMH Working Area by default when used
> NON-interactively, but for interactive moves, no.  You're free to move it
> anywhere.
> I toyed with the idea of having wall-boundaries where windows couldn't be
> moved, but due to the way one can configure their DesktopSize, and flip
> between pages when resizing/moving windows, etc., soon came to the
> realisation it becomes impossible to give a realistic configuration.
> Therefore, you won't ever get hard-walled areas honouring the EWMH Working
> Area for interactive window moves.
> As for your current problem, just use Layers, perhaps?
> -- Thomas Adam

If I would have a requirement to forbid windows to be moved beyond
a thought border, I would try to write some code, which becomes
active as soon as the user stops manually moving the window.
This code would move the window back then.

Sounds dirty, I know, but why not?


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