On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 1:41 PM, Bryan Brady <bryan.br...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I have been experiencing problems with FVWM ever since I upgraded
>>> Ubuntu.
>>> Here is my setup:
>>> My laptop runs Ubuntu 12.04 (kernel 3.2.0-24-generic-pae) and I
>>> have FVWM 2.6.1.  After upgrading, my key and mouse bindings
>>> stopped working. I tracked the problem down to a difference in the
>>> key code. (Not sure if "key code" is the right terminology here).
>>> Here is an example of what I mean:
>>> I ran xev and did a middle click and got:
>>> <snip>
>>> ButtonPress event, serial 29, synthetic NO, window 0x4200001,
>>>     root 0xc5, subw 0x4200002, time 61366893, (51,34), root:(1439,85),
>>>     state 0x10, button 2, same_screen YES
>>> ...
>>> ButtonRelease event, serial 29, synthetic NO, window 0x4200001,
>>>     root 0xc5, subw 0x4200002, time 61366893, (51,34), root:(1439,85),
>>>     state 0x210, button 2, same_screen YES
>>> </snip>
>>> Note the state of the ButtonPress is 0x10 and the state of
>>> ButtonRelease is 0x210.  I have access to an older version of Ubuntu
>>> and the states of the ButtonPress/ButtonRelease are 0x00/0x200.
>>> It turns out that all of my modifier keys and button presses are 0x10
>>> greater than they used to be on the old version of Ubuntu.
>>> I also run FVWM 2.6.1 on AIX machines that I log into remotely.
>>> When I connect to these machines with Exceed on Demand, I have
>>> the smae problem.  But when I log in with VNC, the problem goes
>>> away, and the Button/Key presses are back to
>>> normal. Unfortunately, VNC is very slow compared to EoD, so I'd
>>> like to figure out a way to get FVWM to understand the new key
>>> codes.
>>> Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can fix this?
>> See the FAQ, question 0.1.
>> You have num-lock on.
> Thanks for the quick response, Dan.
> Unfortunately, num-lock is not on. Neither is scroll-lock or caps-lock.
> Any other ideas?

OK... I was wrong. Num-lock was on.

I tried to turn it off using the actual num-lock key.  This did not
work, sort of.
I can use the num-lock key to toggle how my keyboard works (e.g., switch from
printing keys to printing the corresponding numbers).  However, when
num-lock was
"off" and my keyboard worked as usual, I thought num-lock was actually
"off". This
apparently isn't the case.  I realized this when I went into "System Settings ->
Keyboard Layout" and looked at the on-screen keyboard. The num-lock key was
highlighted. Note that pushing the actual num-lock key does not change this.  In
order to completely turn off num-lock, I needed to install numlockx and then
run "numlockx off"

Dan, thanks again for your quick response, and my apologies for being fooled
into thinking num-lock was actually off :-)

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