Thomas Adam wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 12:48:17PM +0300, Oleksandr Gavenko wrote:
>> I use desktops only because FvwmPager look cool with such my preference:


>> So what reason to use multiply desktops?
> Are you confusing pages and desks here, I wonder?  In your above
> configuration snippet, you have defined *fives* desks, each with *nine*
> pages on them.  Which one of the two concepts (pages or desks) are you
> referring to when you say "desktops", or indeed "multiple desktops"?  Since
> you have more than one of each pages and desk.

I use a mix of multiple desktops and multiple pages everyday,
and not because it looks cool but because it makes me unbelievably

Look at my screenshots:

Currently, my entire window management bases on 7 dimensions:

- dimension 1: Tabbed Browsing
- dimension 2: Alt+Tab
- dimension 3: 4 pages horizontally side by side
- dimension 4: 3 pages vertically one below the other
- dimension 5: 4 desks horizontally side by side
- dimension 6: 3 desks vertically one below the other
- dimension 7: 3 up to 6 desk clusters lined up one after another

The answer to the question "what reason to use multiple desktops"
is that the way I think and work makes me able to cope with
multiple complex projects and taks simultaneously.

>> May be I miss some useful features of desktops?
> Other than the terminology and understanding the implications of a page
> versus a desk, the answer is that it's as useful as you want it to be.

This is true.

>> As I say FvwmPager look cool for me if use many desktops instead of
>> DesktopSize (3*N_desktops)x3. But I also wanted keyboard navigation across
>> pages.
>> Simple examples from Fvwm FAQ shown how to move between pages in single
>> desktop and different key bindings to move across desktops. But I wanted
>> single key binding for both pages and desktops. So reject using multiply
>> desktops.

Remember one important thing: I do not care whether something looks cool
or not. The amount of speed and productivity is what counts.
I daily *use* keyboard navigation across pages.

- I have a mix of 12*12*3 = 432 up to 12*12*6 = 864 pages in my computer.

- I treat pages like desks somehow with the exception that a window is
  still allowed to cover more than one page if it is larger than the
  screen size.

- I use Win+F1 ... Win+F12 to access pages (or Win+Arrow keys)

- I use Shift+Win+F1 ... Shift+Win+F12 to access desktops (or Shift+Win+Arrow 

- I use Shift+Win+[HOME/END/PgUp/PgDwn] to switch between different desktop

- A builtin memory ensures that my computer remembers the position
  of all lower dimensions when I switch to a new location within
  a higher dimension:

  - When desktop cluster 1 is activ, I am at page 6 of desk 11.

  - I switch to cluster 3 and go to page 2 of desk 4.

  - When I switch back to cluster 1, I am automatically
    back at page 6 of desk 11.

This kind of thinking in 7 dimensions makes me fast and powerful.
And because FVWM is fast, my computers stay fast (because no
fat and sluggish software unnecessarily thwarts down the speed
of my computers). With the unbraked power of my computers and
my thinking in 7 dimensions, I am so powerful that the question
"what reason to use multiply desktops" bears resemblance to
a provocation like "I have a horse-drawn carriage and want to
travel from Berlin to Moscow as fast as possible: What reason
to use cars?"

Ask me if you want to see my latest FVWM configuration.
I may need some days to have the time to send something
to you via e-mail, but it looks like you need some ideas
about solving problems that I already solved.

Best regards,
Michael Großer

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