I have a strange problem with a wireless Logitech keyboard (MK330)
Everything works properly, but 2 hotkeys, which behave strangely, either on
X11/fvwm or in console mode
To get the keysyms, I use xev (without programming the keys in fvwm config)
  - the hotkey 1 gives me the WindowList
  - the hotkey 5 gives me 2 outputs
         d (keycode 40)
         Super_L (keycode 133)
in console mode, same kind of strange behaviours, with the "showkey" command
for any key, one gets 2 outputs. For example, for "a"
   keycode press 30
   keycode release 30

for hotkey 1, I get 3 outputs

   keycode press 15
   keycode release 15
   keycode release 56

for hotkey 5, I get 3 outputs

   keycode press 32
   keycode release 32
   keycode release 125

I really unable to figure out the origin of these behaviours.
Anybody has an idea?

best regards,
Pierre Frenkiel

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