On Fri, 23 May 2014 18:22:55 +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:

>Um, why did you send a panorama image of a french castle to the
>mailing list?  What I wanted were instructions of how to repoduce
>the poblem

The image is a multipage image. If I press the FORWARD/BACKWARD
button the FLTK window jumps like a frog with LINUX and FVWM.

This is the configuration file I use:

    ./configure --prefix=/usr \
    --disable-dependency-tracking \
    --disable-htmldoc \
    --disable-xinerama \
    --disable-nls \
    --disable-gtk \
    --without-gnome \
    --with-xpm-library=/usr/lib \
    --with-xpm-includes=/usr/include \
    --with-imagepath=/usr/share/pixmaps \
    --with-png-library=/usr/lib \
    --with-png-includes=/usr/include \
    --enable-xrender --enable-xft

You wrote I should insert

>In the fvwm config file or in FvwmConsole.

the line

bugopts DebugCRMotionMethod on

I supposed the 'fvwm config file' is the '.fvwm2rc' file
and added the line

BugOpts DebugCRMotionMethod on

This failed totally: the cursor was the WAIT clock and after
5 minutes I press 'Control Alt F2' to finish WAITing.

'/usr/share/fvwm/' contains:

ConfigFvwmBacker         FvwmForm-Desktop       FvwmScript-FileBrowser
ConfigFvwmButtons        FvwmForm-Form          FvwmScript-Find
ConfigFvwmDefaults       FvwmForm-QuitVerify    FvwmScript-KeyboardSetup
ConfigFvwmIconBox        FvwmForm-Rlogin        FvwmScript-PointerSetup
ConfigFvwmIconMan        FvwmForm-RootCursor    FvwmScript-Quit
ConfigFvwmIdent          FvwmForm-Setup         FvwmScript-ScreenDump
ConfigFvwmPager          FvwmForm-Talk          FvwmScript-ScreenSetup
ConfigFvwmProxyDefaults  FvwmForm-TalkHelp      FvwmScript-Setup95
ConfigFvwmScroll         FvwmScript-BaseConfig  FvwmScript-WidgetDemo
ConfigFvwmSetup          FvwmScript-BellSetup   FvwmTabs-DefaultSetup
ConfigFvwmTabs           FvwmScript-Buttons     fvwm-script-ComExample.pl
ConfigFvwmTaskBar        FvwmScript-Colorset    fvwm-script-setup95.pl
ConfigFvwmWinList        FvwmScript-ComExample  perllib/
FvwmForm-Capture         FvwmScript-Date        system.fvwm2rc-sample-95


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