.fvwm2rc is attached.


On 11 Jun 2016 at 23:26, Thomas Adam wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 12:18:43PM -0400, Paul King wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Far from a newbie, I downloaded the latest source for FVWM, compiled it and 
> > ran 
> > it in Cygwin. I appear to have lost the mouse button menus on the root 
> Which version of fvwm?
> > desktop.(I just have the "Builtin Menu" for the left button. No other root 
> > menus). I still have the same config scripts as for 2.5.x. It appears as 
> > though 
> > the mice are not configured in the same way anymore. Can someone tell me 
> > where 
> > the configuration for root window menus for the mouse is done unde the 
> > current 
> > version?
> None of that has changed, so it's likely something else.
> > I have the start menu, although I am not exactly thrilled about that menu 
> > either, as I seem to have lost some of my sub-menus.
> Can you send through your config, please?  I can't tell anything about your
> set up otherwise.
> -- Thomas Adam

-------------- Enclosure number 1 ----------------
# Sample-95: .fvwm2rc example configuration file for a more or less Windows95
#            look and feel
# The suggested way to install this configuration file is to (re)move
# any .fvwm2rc file you have in ~/.fvwm or ~ and run fvwm without any
# startup file.
# Then, run the "Setup 95 Script" from the root menu. This creates
# and installs the following configuration files: .fvwm2rc, bindings,
# decorations, functions, globalfeel, menus, modules, startup, styles,
# iconstyles.
# If perl is not installed on your machine (my god), only one file is
# installed: .fvwm2rc (and this configuration should work). Some instructions
# are given below for a first editing of this file. Maybe the first thing
# to do in this case is to segment this file. For that, you can move the
# parts of this file between the marks "#SEG foo" and "#SEG xyz" into a
# file foo and add "Read foo" to this file (until the "#SEG END" mark).
# You do need the fvwm_icons distribution installed in the fvwm image path.
# If they are installed in another directory use the ImagePath command
# below or set this directory via the Setup95 Script.
# For the sound effects to work you need the fvwm_sounds distribution
# installed and an .au player. The Setup95 Script allows you to set the
# installation directory of this distribution as your sound player (if not,
# manually edit the *FvwmEvent commands). Note that if you use rplay, the
# rplayd daemon must be run.
# The Setup95 Script asks you to choose between two looks, one is close
# to Windows and the other one is close to a "classical" fvwm look.
# For switching from the windows look to the fvwm one by hand, comment the
# x lines that follow the #WIN x lines and uncomment the x lines that
# follow the #FVWM x lines.
# There is an option for machines with a "low X server (comment #FAST and
# uncomment #SLOW). You may have to use some intermediate values (Base
# Configuration can help and if you "rebuild Sample-95" .FvwmBaseConfig
# may over write the effect of this option). See also the BackingStore and
# SaveUnder style.
# I've tried to use very common apps (like Gimp or Netscape) so that this
# configuration file is as universal as possible. For menus, the Setup 95
# Script starts with a big menu.  Comment the menu entries that correspond
# to applications not in your path. Moreover, the Setup95 Script asks you
# to set your preferred terminal, editor and file manager (#PREF). However,
# you surely need to edit the menu definitions and the BarButtons
# configuration to get your preferred applications.
# I have a laptop so I have added one laptop option. If you answer yes
# to the Setup95 question: "do you have a laptop?" you will have xapm
# in your BarButtons. To get it by hand, just uncomment the line that
# follows #LAPTOP.
# GNOME and KDE menus: fvwm has a perl script that can build GNOME and
# KDE menus: fvwm-menu-desktop (man fvwm-menu-desktop for details). If GNOME
# and/or KDE are installed in your machine, Setup95 will ask you which menus
# you want to add to your Programs sub menus (G_SM_G/F means FvwmGtk/fvwm
# gnome system menu, G_SM_G/F means FvwmGtk/fvwm gnome user menu, G_RHM_G/F
# means gnome redhat menu, G_M_G means that we need to start FvwmGtk, K_SM
# means kde system menu and K_UM means kde user menu. You may have to edit
# the line G_*M_* to set your GNOME install directory (Setup95 try to
# find it)). KDE (mini-)Icon Styles and KDE ImagePath (#K_M) are provided
# if you select one of the KDE menus. For GNOME, (mini-)Icon Styles are
# provided if you have the panel installed (#G_ST) and the image path is
# set if you ask for FvwmGtk menus (#G_M_G).
# GNOME session: This configuration can be used under gnome-session. In
# this case almost no modules are started (for a first installation).
# However, you may use more modules: this depends on your gnome panel
# configuration. If Setup95 builds a configuration to be used
# under gnome-session, the lines which follow #G_SESSION will be uncommented.
# The panel stays put option  (the line which follow #G_PANEL) try to put
# the panel in the same layers as the other windows.
# Note that it safe to "Build a config for gnome-session" for using with
# a normal fvwm session.
# CDE: There is an elementary support for CDE (lines which follow #CDE).
# Note: for saving its state (the changes you do via settings-->* up to the
# first separator) Sample-95 uses some files $FVWM_USERDIR/.start-* (see
# section 5), $FVWM_USERDIR/.fvwm-layers (see section 6) and the usual fvwm
# config files: .FvwmAnimate, .FvwmForm, ~/.xinitrc-fvwm, .FvwmBaseConfig
# There are many comments, but a good reading of the fvwm FAQ, of the man
# pages of fvwm and its modules is recommended. Also, you can read the
# sample-95 MINI-FAQ that you can find at the end of this file.
# Summary:
# 1.  Module and Image paths. (In this file)
# 2.  Root cursor, Windows Decoration and Menus Style. (In decorations)
# 3.  Set up the Major operating modes. (In globalfeel)
# 4.  Miscellaneous Major operating mode. (In globalfeel)
# 5.  Stuff to do at start-up and on restart. (In startup)
# 6.  Set applications dependent styles. (In styles)
# 7.  Set applications Mini Icons and Icons. (In iconstyles)
# 8.  Define some complex functions. (In functions)
# 9.  Mouse, frame buttons and keyboard bindings. (In bindings)
# 10. Define the menus. (In menus)
# 11. Definitions used by the modules. (In modules)
# 12. MINI-FAQ. (In this file)

# 1. Module and Image paths
# These paths are colon-separated lists, just like regular unix PATH

# ModulePath is builtin, you may add some directories here
#ModulePath $HOME/mymodules:+

# The default image path is:
#         /usr/include/X11/bitmaps:/usr/include/X11/pixmaps
# if the fvwm_icons are not installed in one of these directories or if
# you want to add a personal image path uncomment and edit the next line
ImagePath :/usr/share/icons/fvwm2:+

#K_M 1 for KDE Styles and menus
#ImagePath +:$KDEDIR/share/icons:$KDEDIR/share/apps/kappfinder/pics/:
#G_M_G 1 for FvwmGtk menus
#ImagePath +:No/share/pixmaps:
# Warning: you may have to replace /usr by gnomeinstallpath in the previous
# line. gnomeinstallpath may be /usr/local, /opt/gnome, ...

# Start the Show

Read decorations

Read globalfeel

Read startup

Read styles

Read iconstyles

Read functions

Read bindings

Read menus

Read modules

#                         -- Sample-95 MINI-FAQ --
# * Why doesn't this FAQ contain my question?
# * What are the default bindings?
# * Some (mini-)icons are missing in menus and in some buttons!
# * Does Sample-95 support themes?
# * Can I use Sample-95 with GNOME?
# * How can I load saved settings before starting fvwm?
# * Can I use WindowMaker and AfterStep applets with fvwm?
# * Who wrote this configuration file?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Why doesn't this FAQ contain my question?
# Maybe because the answer is in the beginning of the configuration file
# (i.e., this file!), in the fvwm FAQ or in the fvwm man pages.
#                  ----------------------------------------
# * What are the default bindings?
# Mouse bindings:
# --------------
# Mouse 1 on the root window:    main menu
# Mouse 2 on the root window:    window operations menu
# Mouse 3 on the root window:    Window List of all normal applications
# Ctrl-Mouse 3 on the root window: Window List of all skipped applications
# Alt-Mouse x inside a window: as Mouse x on the root window
# Shift-Alt-Mouse 3 inside a window: Raise or Lower

# If you have built the config for gnome-session:
# Shift-Mouse x on the root window gives the corresponding "GNOME button"

# Mouse 1 on the title: Raise, Move for a drag, shade for a double click
# Mouse 1 on the borders: Raise, Resize for a drag, shade for a double click
# Mouse 1 on an icon: Move, Raise on one click, deiconify for a double
# Alt-Mouse 1 on an icon; Raise all the icons
# Ctrl-Mouse 1 on the borders: As mouse 1 on the title
# Mouse 2 on the title or the borders: window operations menu
# Mouse 2 on an icon: deiconify
# Mouse 3 on the title/borders: Raise or Lower
# Mouse 3 on an icon: The "modules/icons" window operations menu
# Window Buttons:
# --------------
# - Left button:
# Mouse 1: Window operation menu, double click: close
# Mouse 2: Group operations menu
# Mouse 3: Quick Move window menu
# - Close button (right button)
# Mouse 1: Close
# Mouse 2: Close all the windows with the same class
# Mouse 3: Destroy
# - Maximize button (2nd right button)
# Mouse 1: Full Maximize
# Mouse 2: Maximize Horizontally
# Mouse 3: Maximize Vertically
# - Iconify button (3rd right button)
# Mouse 1: Iconify
# Mouse 2: Iconify all the windows with the same class
# Mouse 3: Shade all the windows with the same class
# Key bindings (anywhere):
# ------------
# Shift-Left/Right/Up/Down: scroll Left/Right/Up/Down by 1 page
# Alt-Left/Right/Up/Down: scroll Left/Right/Up/Down by 1/10 page
# Shift-Ctrl-Left/Right/Up/Down: move the pointer by 1O% of a page
# Alt-Ctrl-Left/Right/Up/Down: move the pointer by 1% of a page
# Alt-Ctrl-PageUp/PageDown: scroll by one desktop page
# Shift-Alt-F1: Main menu
# Shift-Alt-F2: Window operations menu
# Shift-Alt-F3: WindowList
# Shift-Alt-F4: Close
# Shift-Alt-F5: RaiseLower
# Shift-Alt-F6: Raise all Icons
# Shift-Alt-F7: Move
# Shift-Alt-F8: Resize
# Shift-Alt-F9: Iconify
# Shift-Alt-F10: Maximize
# Shift-Alt-F11: Identify
# Shift-Alt-F12: Console
# Alt-Tab released at once: previous (normal) window
# Alt-Tab: WindowList of all normal windows and warp to the selected window
#          when released
# Ctrl-Alt-Tab: WindowList of all skipped windows
# Stroke bindings:
# ---------------
# You need to have fvwm compiled with stroke support (these bindings
# are defined only in this case) and libstroke installed.
# Mouse button 3 is used (this button must be pressed during the stroke),
# no modifiers are needed when you start your mouse motion on the root
# window and you must use the Alt modifier if you start your mouse motion
# on a window (you cannot start your motion on a window title bar or frame).
# The mouses motion:
# A | from the top to the bottom: your preferred terminal
# A | from the bottom to the top: your prefered editor
# A / from the bottom to the top: your prefered file manager
# A C from the top: xcalc
# A N (from the bottom): netscape
# A clockwise box from the top left: FvwmForm-QuitVerify
# Add more yourself!
#                  ----------------------------------------
# * Some (mini-)icons are missing in menus and in buttons!
# If you have no mini(-icons) then either your ImagePath does not contain
# the directory of the fvwm_icons or you are using a RedHat/Mandrake/... rpm
# version of fvwm-icons which uses mini- in the place of mini. for
# mini-icons name. If only some mini(-icons) are missing, then you are using
# a too old version of fvwm_icons.
#                  ----------------------------------------
# * Does Sample-95 support themes?
# No. But, it is possible to hack the configuration to have an "elementary"
# themes engine. The basic idea is to use FvwmTheme to propagate the colors
# and to replace "Read decorations" by "Read theme" in .fvwm2rc where theme
# is a symbolic link to a theme. A theme will be a file which look like
# decorations plus the FvwmTheme configuration commands. Other technical
# functions are needed as a function for switching between themes. This is
# left to your own pleasure! Doing elaborated fvwm configurations is one of
# the better games under UNIX.
# If you want a powerful themes engine do not use Sample-95, it is not the
# aim of this configuration. There are a powerful themes engine which is
# under fast development: fvwm-themes (http://fvwm-themes.sourceforge.net/).
#                  ----------------------------------------
# * Can I use Sample-95 with GNOME?
# Yes. You "need" fvwm compiled with GNOME support and it is preferable to
# run fvwm under gnome-session. Also, do not forget that you have to set
# FVWM_USERDIR, so start the gnome-session as
#       env FVWM_USERDIR="your FVWM_USERDIR" gnome-session
# Of course, it is preferable to set the "build a file for gnome-session"
# option of the Setup95 script. You may use the option "Try a Stays Put panel"
# to put the panel in the same layer than the normal windows, but you may
# have to leave GNOME/fvwm and start again X to avoid problems.
# Note that under session, Sample-95 does not load your "X settings" by
# default (GNOME has its own method). Moreover, read the next question for
# using a different setting when you use GNOME (you may also use the
# Session(Init/Restart)Function functionality, see the startup file).
# One thing that you can add to your configuration file is:
#       GnomeShowDesk x
# where x is the number of desks you want to see in the GNOME pager at
# start (if not the GNOME pager is dynamic).
# Also, for leaving GNOME you must use GNOME or you must "QuitSession" for
# just exiting or "Exec exec save-session --kill" for saving and exiting.
#                  ----------------------------------------
# * How can I load saved settings before starting fvwm?
# Say, you want to use setting 1 under a normal fvwm session, setting 2
# under a gnome-session and setting 3 under a normal fvwm session but the
# shell test FOO is true. Then, your .xinitrc/.xsession file can look
# as follows (where $1 is the "first" argument given by startx, or by kdm or
# gdm ...).
# ...
# case $1 in
#   fvwm)
#       F="your FVWM_USERDIR"
#       if FOO; Then $X="3"; else $X=1; fi;
#       for i in $F/.FvwmAnimate $F/.FvwmForm $F/.fvwm-layers \
#       ~/.xinitrc-fvwm $F/.FvwmBaseConfig \ $F/.start-Background \
#       $F/.start-apps-man $F/.start-FvwmButtons $F/.start-DeskerPanelButtons \
#       $F/.start-MiniButtons $F/.start-WinMakerAppButtons \
#       $F/.start-FvwmAnimate $F/.start-FvwmAuto $F/.start-FvwmBanner \
#       $F/.start-FvwmEvent; \
#               do /bin/cp $i-$X $i;
#       done;
#       fvwm
#   ;;
#   gnome)
#       F="your FVWM_USERDIR"
#       for i in $F/.FvwmAnimate $F/.FvwmForm $F/.fvwm-layers \
#       ~/.xinitrc-fvwm $F/.FvwmBaseConfig \ $F/.start-Background \
#       $F/.start-apps-man $F/.start-FvwmButtons $F/.start-DeskerPanelButtons \
#       $F/.start-MiniButtons $F/.start-WinMakerAppButtons \
#       $F/.start-FvwmAnimate $F/.start-FvwmAuto $F/.start-FvwmBanner \
#       $F/.start-FvwmEvent; \
#               do /bin/cp $i-2 $i;
#       done;
#       env FVWM_USERDIR="your FVWM_USERDIR" gnome-session
#    ;;
#    ... other cases ...
# esac
#               ----------------------------------------
# * Can I use WindowMaker and AfterStep applets with fvwm?
# Yes most WM and AS applets are fvwm compliant. Moreover, sample-95 provides
# a FvwmButtons for you called WinMakerAppButtons. Of course, you have to
# edit the configuration of this buttons to put your preferred applets. Note
# that you have an applets panel under the 3 first applets. These panels are
# special: Mouse 1 (on the background of the applet) start the panel (or only
# map it if it is already started) if it is not out. If the panel is out,
# Mouse 1 unmaps it (but the panel applets are alive). The special thing is
# that Mouse 3 *kills* the panel: this can save your cpu.
#                  ----------------------------------------
# * Who wrote this configuration file?
# The starting point is "the" fvwm95 configuration file. Then, Dominik
# did some work on it and in particular so that it worked fine with
# fvwm-2.3.x.  Later, olicha spent a lot of time with it, wrote the Setup95
# Script and rewrote all the "Settings" stuff. Some ideas came from
# fvwm-themes (thanks to the fvww-themes workers, and in particular migo).
# Probably, some others fvwm-workers have added improvement but did not take
# the time to update this answer.

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