On Mon, Jun 05, 2017 at 07:28:00PM -0400, Dan Espen wrote:
> pyaazkaparatha <notificati...@github.com> writes:
> > It still gives error.
> >
> > bash-4.4$ fvwm-menu-desktop File "/usr/bin/fvwm-menu-desktop", line 146 
> > print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not
> > recognized" ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> >
> > This is with python3
> >
> > fvwm 2.6.7 compiled on Apr 11 2017 at 14:20:21
> fvwm-menu-desktop doesn't work with Python 3.
> That's a known issue here.
> I can't give you a time line right now on the fix.
> I might do the work but other issues stand in the way.
> Dominik, any updates?

I really don't know what to do about Github, other than dumpint it.  :-(


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


Dominik Vogt

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