Am 2018-02-27 hackte Dominik Vogt in die Tasten:
> Does it work if you run xmodmap from a shell when fvwm is running?


> I've had a similar problem:  Although xmodmap is called from
> .xinitrc,

In my case from ~/.xsessionrc

> the keyboard layout is reset to the default after that.
> The only solution I could find was to run xmodmap with a delay so
> that it would run some seconds after fvwm startup.  This is the
> line from ~/.xinitrc:>
> etc.
> Ciao
> Dominik ^_^  ^_^

>   ( sleep 4; xset s off; setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp;
> xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap; ) &

OK, then I have to try this too...

> It's really not an fvwm issue, but it is possible to "disable"
> keys everywhere or just for certain windows with bindings.  For
> example, I've disabled ctrl-q and alt-q in some programs with
>   Key (Gnumeric)   q TSIFW M Nop
>   Key (Sea*onkey*) q TSIFW C Nop

I will check this too.

Thanks in advance

Michelle Konzack        Miila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer     00372-54541400

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