Stephen Dennison <> [2018-07-17 09:49:39 -0400]:
> On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 9:40 AM, Stephen Dennison <> wrote:
> >> OK, I just tried it with an empty config too, and came across something new
> >> that I'd never noticed before, which may be a clue: The problem seems to be
> >> related to whether or not the "hide xv windows" checkbox is selected before
> > I had not selected that previously.  This seems to be key.
> >
> >> doing the grab. When it is not selected, the problem did not occur. When it
> >> is selected, it occurred every time.
> > I get that to.
> >
> >>
> >> Here's the recipe I followed 4-5 times in a row in bare fvwm, talking to
> >> FvwmConsole manually, to get it to happen:
> >>
> >>     1.  start xv
> >>     2.  In xv, do a grab (^G) and click the "hide xv windows" checkbox.
> >>     3.  Do the screengrab using button 1 (window) or button 2 (swept 
> >> region)
> >>     4.  Iconify         # Goes to position A
> >>     5.  Move            # Manually move icon to position B
> >>     6.  Iconify         # De-iconify
> >>     7.  Do another grab exactly as done in step 2
> >>     8.  Iconify         # Goes to position A
> >
> > This recipe does, indeed, recreate the problem.  When that box is
> > checked, it iconifies to the default position instead of where it was
> > last iconified.  The window is unmapped.  I've never programmed this
> > sort of thing, maybe someone else can step forward and describe what
> > the correct behavior is here, but in xvgrab.c, line 64, it invokes
> > XUnmapWindow, where I imagine it should instead be using
> > XIconifyWindow?  Maybe FVWM considers unmapped windows to be
> > forgettable?  I don't know how to get the current display number,
> > otherwise I imagine you could just replace this unmap with a call to
> > iconify it...
> >
> > (Note: source from here:
> >
> >
> >> Maybe the act of "hiding the xv windows" also somehow whispers in fvwm's 
> >> ear
> >> to discard the prior icon position?  Just guessing out loud...
> > I'm not qualified to even guess.  Maybe an fvwm dev can chime in, as
> > I'm over my head.
> Apparently if I had spent 30 seconds more at the googles I would have
> come to this solution, replace the line I mention above with this:
>     if (mainW && dispMode==RMB_WINDOW) XIconifyWindow(theDisp, mainW,
> DefaultScreen(theDisp));
> And then the app behaves.  But keep in mind that the second dialog
> that pops up is a new window, so you will want to iconify that and
> move it around, then uniconify it to see that it really did remember
> the new position.  Then successive grabs still remember the previous
> icon location.
> So, in conclusion, XV shouldn't be unmapping the window but asking to
> be iconified.  But I still don't know the wider ramifications of
> asking to be unmapped.

OK, thanks for your time and effot on this Stephen, much appreciated.

I've been swamped since your post above, haven't had a chance to even 
think about it or try what you suggested (or even fully understand it.) 
But will do so eventually, and report what I find to the list, in case
it may be useful to other xv-ers.

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