On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 12:56 PM Peter Holm <peter.g.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> To select a window for moving there is afaik two methods.
> Either you make the window sticky, and then unstick it - or you
> bookmark the window.

What do you mean by 'select a window for moving', Have you looked at Pick?

> I would like to do this :
> ----------
> 1), Select a windoiw
> 2), Add the window to a list, lets call it LIST_OF_BOOKMARKED_WINMDOWS
> 3), Add a new window to the list.
> 4), Search the list for select window - if window is found then do
> something with the windows.
> 5), remoive the window from the list.

You can use States (look up State) to give windows custom flags you
can then use for custom purposes, like making lists. Conditional
statements in Fvwm can identify windows based on their state.


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