Thomas Adam <> writes:

> Hello everyone,
> I know things have been rather quiet on this list of late -- but behind the
> scenes, there's still plenty of things happening with FVWM.
> One of these is we're taking a look at moving the FvwmForums away from phpBB.
> This was a great forum to use back in the early 2000s when there wasn't a lot
> of choice.  But as of the past year or so, using phpBB and maintaining it has
> become a burdensome nightmare for myself and Jaimos.
> We've recently been looking at alternatives, and the one which seems to offer
> equivalent functionality as phpBB (but without the perceived maintainence
> nightmare), is bbPress (
> We've imported the forum database to stand-up the core funtionality with the
> same information.  This has worked fine.
> What we now need is for someone to help us theme the main bbPress instance, to
> make it look like a fvwm-type website (utilising the CSS/colours from
>  Originally, I thought I could do this, but that's not going to
> happen, as I've too much other work to be getting on with.
> Plus, this would be a good project for someone.
> If anyone's interested (or you have any questions), do please let me know.

Ever since Fvwm started using forums, I find I can't track everything
going on.  Sorry, no inclination to follow a forum.  Wish we'd go back to
exclusively email.

I realize there is a collection of documentation on the forums.
Wish that was on the official web site instead.

Dan Espen

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