Hi all,

Well, we did it.  Version 1.0.0 of Fvwm3 is now live and ready to be
installed.  See:


It's not without its rough edges, but that's true of any software.  Even
though I've called those out in the release notes, I consider Fvwm3 now good
enough for every day use.

Although I mostly have Coronavirus to thank for this release (working from
home means I got to get some of my time back), I do want to say that none of
what I've done has been groundbreaking.  I have merely built on top of what
was already there in the form of Fvwm2.  So I would really like to thank
people like:  Dan Espen, Dominik Vogt, Viktor Griph, etc., without whom this
wouldn't be in the shape it is now.  Thanks, fellas.

Special mention has to go to the folk on #fvwm on irc.freenode.net.  I've had
some great bug reports from regular users of fvwm come from there.  It's been
a very closed round of testing, but it's nonetheless helped a lot in fixing
silly bugs which have crept in over time.  Jaimos Skriletz in particular has
been invaluable in helping me with some of the more complicated mathematics in
wrangling windows with RandR.  Thanks, Jaimos!

Any questions, don't hesitate to shout.

Enjoy, and let the bug reports roll in...


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