On Sat, Feb 13, 2021 at 08:37:12PM +0530, Mandar Mitra wrote:
> I have Alt-Tab bound as follows:
> Key Tab A M WindowList (CurrentPage)
> CurrentAtEnd,IconifiedAtEnd,...,SelectOnRelease Alt_L
> I'd like windows to be listed in most recently used order, and
> there are a number of fvwm related Web pages that state that is
> what "normally" happens, but what I'm observing is the following.
> As long as I'm switching back and forth between Window A and
> Window B, things work well. I also have some other windows (all
> pdf viewers displaying different files) on the same page. If I
> take a look at one of them, I would expect A, B and the focused
> pdf viewer window to occupy the top 3 slots, but that's not what
> happens. Either A or B is positioned way down in the list.

Try running just

  WindowList (currentpage)

from FvwmConsole and see if that works as expected.

The ordering of that list entirely depends on the order in which
windows are focused.  If that results in a weird ordering, then
something messes with window focus.  In that case, try if this

  destroyfunc EWMHActivateWindowFunc
  addtofunc EWMHActivateWindowFunc
  + I echo Ignoring EWMHActivateWindowFunc $[w.id] $[w.name]

And watch the console output for the debug messages.


However, I recommend to ditch Alt-Tab and the windowlist command
completely.  It's just unintuitive, failed design:  You always
need to be aware of the order in which windows have had focus.

Instead I use

  Key Left  A  M   DirectionOrThis West
  Key Right A  M   DirectionOrThis East
  Key Up    A  M   DirectionOrThis North
  Key Down  A  M   DirectionOrThis South
  Key Home  A  M   DirectionOrThis FromPointer Center
  Key Minus A  M   DirectionOrThis Center

I.e., pressing Alt-<Cursor> selects the next window in the given
direction from the currently focused window.  Sometimes it
requires a couple of key presses to get the right window, but you
get immediate visual feedback, and it's very easy to use.  You
don't have to keep track of some "hidden" state.

The selection algorithms prefers closer windows of windows that
are farther away, and windows in the exact direction over windows
that are a couple of degrees off.  Play with it to get a feeling
for it.

It works pretty well if the current page is not cluttered with
many windows, all atop each other.

Alt-Minus gives you the window closest to the current one, and
Alt-Home the one that's closest to the pointer.  Both bindings
help with stacked windows, but I hardly ever use them.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


Dominik Vogt

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