Dear Mr Adam and the FVWM Development Team,

I hope you are well. I am contacting you to thank you for your ongoing effort on developing FVWM. I have used FVWM for about 10 years, and any attempt to move to a different window manager or desktop, resulted in quick return to FVWM. FVWM let's me work with my computer my way. I recognise that there is quite some legacy, but I can also see that you have been working to clean up the codes, features and other aspects. Thank you for all this.

I have two suggestions for your kind consideration.

1. Is it possible to add a feature similar to the visual window list switch in XFCE or other desktop environments, with window thumbnails / icons rotating horizontally? I have looked into the possibility of writing an FVWM script, similarly to the script that attempts to imitate this behaviour using a vertical menu:

However, I think a new intrinsic and configurable function would probably serve this purpose much better. This could perhaps be done through an expansion of the FVWM menus to have horizontal menus as well.

2. Is it possible to implement a solution using a detachable window title in a taskbar? Perhaps there is a way to configure fvwmiconman to serve this purpose. Any hint from you would be appreciated.

3. There seem to be several websites dedicated to FVWM, each containing some partial information.

May I suggest to include the content, in particular the documentation in, and redirects set to point to The documentation at the sourceforge site has been very useful for ordinary users like me.

I also suggest to do the same with fvwmforums and other pages that fragment FVWM's web presence.

I feel that consolidating the multiple websites under the complete site, with sub-pages dedicated to different FVWM versions, documentation, forums, etc, and possibly reformatted e.g. using a modern Wiki interface/style, with just one link to the github site would better serve the purpose of modernising, advancing and adopting FVWM by broader groups of do-it-your-way computer users.

4. Are one-time donations possible to support FVWM development and maintenance?

FVWM is a fantastic window manager, and I hope to see it refreshed and up and running for many years to come.

Best wishes,
Wojciech Lipinski

The Australian National University

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