On Sun, Apr 17, 2022 at 02:06:49PM -0400, Paul Fox wrote:
> I've been using fvwm pretty much exclusively for so long, that I'm
> not sure anymore whether some features are unique to fvwm, or might
> be available elsewhere with different names.
> In particular -- the notion of FvwmButtons "swallowing" a child window --
> is that a feature available in other window managers?  It's pretty
> powerful.

All FvwmButtons is doing is reparenting other windows.  Someone would have to
emulate that outside of fvwm (the reason it hasn't been done is because
there's a module <-> fvwm protocol which FvwmButtons uses).

The closest I know of is the program 'tabbed' from suckless.  However, this
doesn't have the same layout options as FvwmButtons does.


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