Hi Everyone,
I'm having an annoying issue. I'm using FVWM3 (used FVWM2 up to a week ago and experienced the same) and when I'm coding in Intellij:

    - if there is a suggestion pop-up and my mouse cursor is there where it pops up     - The main window doesn't lose focus (but up-down keys select among the suggestions)     - and if I continue typing, finish the word, or select a suggestion: my cursor *disappears*     - interestingly I can still use delete and can step up-down (the row highlight changes), but there is no cursor, and I cannot type new characters     - the same doesn't happen if the cursor is at any other location, not over the pop-up -- e.g. if I select a suggestion with up-down+enter, the cursor still blinks in the main text area

As you can imagine, this is a very annoying. I tried a few things, like:

        Style "jetbrains-idea"                SloppyFocus, GrabFocus
        Style "jetbrains-idea"                ClickToFocus

But none of these helped and I'm not sure where to continue. I was wondering if anyone has a suggestion to fix it.

Oh, and a +1: another interesting thing, is that menus in like Firefox or Thunderbird menus show up with around 50% transparency, and any non-focused window has the same. Focus takes it to 0%. I'm using:

     compton -b --backend glx --glx-no-stencil --shadow-exclude "g:a:Fvwm"

If I kill it, all transparency is gone, even in my urxvt where I intentionally set it up. Not sure if this is an FVWM issue (probably not) but I didn't remember having this problem only since a few months ago.

Thanks for any suggestions!

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