On 20 Sep 2005 18:43:27 +0000, Marcel Linden wrote:
> No, I understand your idea clearly. But I don't know how to get the windows 
> ids, when I get the M_STRING-event. When I get the event I can do        
> my ($module, $event) = @_;. Are there any information hidden in $event?
> It's unfortunately not covered in the documentation.

There are actually 3 ways to get the first event argument that is win_id,
I prefer the last shortcut syntax:

        $win_id = $event->argValues->[0];
        $win_id = $event->args->{win_id};
        $win_id = $event->_win_id;

Run "fvwm-perllib man FVWM::Event" and see EventNames.pm source for info.
I think "fvwm-perllib man tutorial" explains the event handler syntax.


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