On 19 May 2002 17:34:07 -0700, Robert L. Knighten wrote:
> Mikhael Goikhman writes:
>   > On 19 May 2002 20:16:21 +0200, Marcus Lundblad wrote:
>   > > 
>   > > I run fvwm 2.5.1
>   > > My pager always has the window title "Desk 0", regardless of desk.

>   > But you may have any title you want, even change it dynamically:
>   > 
>   >   DesktopName 0 "<0>"
> The title on the pager is a minor thing that I have wanted to change, so
> I was happy to see this.  But when I tried it I got an error that there
> is no such function.  And quickly grepping around in the source I didn't
> find DesktopName or any trivial variation.  Is that the right name?

All user visible changes in FVWM are listed at this url:


As you may see, DesktopName was added in 2.5.0 (man fvwm).

You may change labels in 2.4.x or 2.2.x too, just not dynamically.
Search for Label option in the FvwmPager man page.

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