On 20 May 2002 15:16:25 +0200, Stian Sletner wrote:
> * At 2002-05-20T12:55+0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> : 
> > >     mouse   1       w       m       function alt-move
> > >  
> > >     destroyfunc     alt-move
> > >     addtofunc       alt-move
> > >     +               m       move
> > 
> | I can only suggest:
> | 
> |   Style * ClickToFocusPassesClickOff
> | 
> | This should solve your problem, but I am not sure this is what you want.
> | If a click on ClickToFocus window is passed to an application, unexpected
> | things may happen. Maybe Dominik may explain this better.
> This does indeed solve it, but you're also right in that I don't want
> it. :)  It seems sort of illogical to me that the w context does not
> trigger on unfocused windows, but perhaps there should be a separate
> context for it?

I think it is a bug that with unfocussed ClickToFocus window a click is
passed to app and only then the "w" binding is checked, while with
focussed ClickToFocus window the "w" binding is checked before passing a
click (i.e. it is not passed).

So when a click is passed (window is not focussed) application eats this
click, FVWM only sees a mouse release.

For "m" in your function to work, FVWM should see a press, not a release.

But you may work around this bug, just change "m" to "i" in your function.

> | Please always mention your version. And exact bindings if not default.
> | 
> | What is exactly the thing that there's no way around it?
> Sorry, I didn't think it important.  What I meant was that alt-tab warps
> the mouse pointer to the windowlist, and uses it in the selecting.  This
> is what I assumed there is no way around.  Moving the mouse while doing
> this causes it to skew off its course.  I'm running 2.4.6 with some
> patches (currentatend, iconifiedatend).
>     key     tab     a       m       windowlist root c c currentdesk, 
> nogeometry, currentatend, iconifiedatend

Please define the behaviour you want to have.

If you don't want WindowList to warp the mouse pointer, remove "root"
option. If you don't want WindowList to be activated on Alt, add
"SelectOnRelease" option or press right-Alt-Tab.

Or maybe you need a new option "DontActivateWindowListWhenMouseIsMoved"?
Define what "MouseIsMoved" means. Moved by more than 5 pixels in 3 seconds
after Alt is pressed? :)

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