I also have experienced strange behaviour in TK applications.
Sometimes menus doesn't popup where you would expect. After moving the
window the menu appears where expected.

For example this tutorial program:


#  Create the main message window
message .m -text "Hello Tcl!" -background white
pack .m -expand true -fill both -ipadx 100 -ipady 40

#  Create the main menu bar with a Help-About entry
menu .menubar
menu .menubar.help -tearoff 1
.menubar add cascade -label "Help" -menu .menubar.help -underline 0
.menubar.help add command -label "About Hello ..." \
        -accelerator "F1" -underline 0 \
        -command showAbout

#  Define a procedure - an action for Help-About
proc showAbout {} {
    tk_messageBox -message "Tcl/Tk\nHello Windows\nVersion 1.0" \
            -title "About Hello"

#  Configure the main window
wm title . "Hello Foundation Application"
. configure -menu .menubar -width 200 -height 150
bind . "<Key F1>" {showAbout}


This is using 2.5.1
This doesn't happen using twm.


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