On Tue, Sep 03, 2002 at 11:58:51AM +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 06:43:19PM -0600, S. Anderson wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I just found a program that might help askers of
> > FAQ 3.5: You can bind mouse movements to keystrokes, how about mouse
> >     presses?
> > 
> > http://hoopajoo.net/projects/xautomation.html
> >  Control X from the command line for scripts, and do "visual scraping"
> > to find things on the screen. The conrol interface allows mouse
> > movement, clicking, button up/down, key up/down, etc, and uses the XTest
> > extension so you don't have the annoying problems that xse has when apps
> > ignore sent events. The visgrep program find images inside of images and
> > reports the coordinates, allowing progams to find buttons, etc, on the
> > screen to click on.
> Could you make a patch for the FAQ?

yes, but I am having a little problem that I have to figure out first.

I define the following, which should work, but when I push F6 for mouse
up I dont get a mouse up :-(.
Key F5 A A exec xte 'mousedown 1'
Key F6 A A exec xte 'mouseup 1'

however If I define this:
Key F7 A A exec xte 'mousedown 1' && sleep 10 && xte 'mouseup 1'

mouse up and mouse down work fine.

does anyone here have experience with the xtest extension? this program
(xte) basicly uses these two functions:
  XTestFakeButtonEvent( display, button, True, delay );
  XTestFakeButtonEvent( display, button, False, delay );
for mouse up and mouse down events.

Anyways as soon as I figure out what is going on here, I will report

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