On 05 Sep 2002 23:20:14 +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 06:31:34PM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> > > 2) I was able to get a maximize button to become `stuck', in the sense
> > >   that every thing I clicked would be toggle maximised -- not even just
> > >   the window that the button belonged to! Clicking on the root window
> > >   would make it look like everything was normal, but as soon as the
> > >   mouse was even moved the original ``sticky button'' would display it's
> > >   ActiveDown mini-icon again. Even killing the program which the sticky
> > >   button window belonged to (via another console) did not resolve the
> > >   problem: the skeleton of it remained on the screen. Only killing X
> > >   could stop it. I was able to invoke this feature twice, but did not
> > >   spend a long time working out exactly what magic sequence was needed.
> > >   I think it involves the window being resized by itself, and/or moved
> > >   by itself prior to clicking the button.
> > > 
> > >   Would you like me to try to find a more definitive sequence of events,
> > >   or is somebody already onto this bug?
> > 
> > This problem is not known. I don't quite understand what "every thing I
> > clicked would be toggle maximised" means. Please post all ButtonStyle and
> > other related lines.
> It's known to me and also caused by the event handling rewrite.
> If you are curious, press the maximize/shade/whatever button on a
> window, move the pointer out of the button and release it.
> Regardless of where you click now the action on the window button
> is triggered.

Ok, I wondered whether this may be caused by my InactiveUp/InactiveDown

If a complex functions is bound (like in my case), nothing bad happens,
but, yes, if some command is bound a very bad thing happens. A possible
workaround for this may be to bind ComplexMaximize instead of Maximize:

  AddToFunc ComplexMaximize
  + C Maximize
  #+ H Nop  # this cancels Maximize after some timeout

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