On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 12:36:46AM +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 03:09:26PM -0500, Peter McAlpine wrote:
>   Key Tab A M Next (CurrentPage, acceptsfocus, !iconic) FocusRaise

thanks, I missed that...

I updated/built/installed my cvs source, but the problem still
exists. I've figured out when/what happens:
1) open up 2 or more windows (I do it with emacs and rxvt, but I don't
think it matters)
2) have the two windows overlap in some parts of the screen, and not
overlap in other parts

and here's the behavior:
**** have the pointer in an area that they ALL overlap or an area that
     NONE of them occupy == cycle no problem

**** have the pointer in an area that only one of them occupy == raise
     next but then stop cycling, and it will never raise the window
     that the pointer is over

ok... now I've really got it figured out... try the above 2 as
examples... but here's the rule it seems to be following:

cycle until a window is selected that does not have the pointer on
if the pointer isn't on any window, then cycle no problem.

I'm using the ClickToFocus style. my whole .fvwm2rc file is @:

Peter McAlpine
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