On Monday, 2002.12.09, 02:19:09 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Actually, "we" (an undefined set of developers and mailing list
> readers) know what the F stood for originally, but most of "us"
> prfer the "mystery F" instead.  The "Feline" VWM came up several
> years ago when we noticed that almost all developers had cats ^_^

Uh, so ``you'' (undefined set &c., &c.) are going to keep ``us''
(definite set of people who want to know) in suspense about the original
meaning (for an indefinite length of time)?  If so, does filing a false
bug report (#961) count (by any stretch of the imagination) as being
part of the aforementioned set of developers and thus privy to the
original meaning of F?

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any lists. :-)]

Norvell Spearman
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