On 03 Jan 2003 12:46:00 -0800, Perry Hutchison wrote:
> Is it possible to configure 2.2.4 to restrict windows to the size of
> the screen, even if -geometry requests larger?
> Motivation:  I want an xterm just tall enough to display an entire
> file, but no taller than the screen.  This:
>   xterm -geometry "80x`wc -l < $f | tr -d ' '`" +sb -sl 0 -e less $f
> gets the file length almost right -- it's off by one line because it
> doesn't allow for the "less" command/status line at the bottom -- but
> if the file is longer than 89 lines the window doesn't fit on the
> screen.  I could write a more complicated script, except that there's
> no immediately-obvious way for a script to determine the maximum line
> count for whatever display it might happen to be running on.

Use "xwininfo -root" to get the screen size, then substruct decorations
(border size, title height), then substruct xterm's scroll bar, then
divide by the font used in xterm (7x14), you should get the needed
geometry for xterm.

Or just do the right thing and run the latest stable 2.4.14, then do:

  Style XTerm MaxWindowSize $[vp.width]p $[vp.height]p

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