Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> On 11 Apr 2003 07:39:07 -0400, Ayan Mahalanobis wrote:
> >
> > Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> >
> > >On 10 Apr 2003 15:38:53 -0400, Ayan Mahalanobis wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > > I recently upgrades to red hat Linux 9.0. THe best FVWN i got was
> > > > for red hat 7.3.
> > >
> > > You may use rpms linked on fvwm.org. Should work on RedHat 7, 8, 9.
> >
> > I got it from rpmfind.net. I think it is the latest. I will check!
> >
> > > > I did the rpm and all that. Which command says thar FVWM2 is
> > > > installed. But I can't swith from Gnome to FVWM2. I deleted
> > > > .xinitrc and .xsession and ammended it to contain FVWM2. Nothing
> > > > seems to help.
> > >
> > > Do you boot your machine immediatelly into X?
> >
> > Yes I do. I tried switchdesk, which has a icon for fvwm. It just won't
> > switch. When I login back, it takes me to gnome.
> > I tries to change .xinitrc and .xsession and chmod them. Didn't work!
> I don't know why it does not work for you.
> The following should work.
> Change /etc/inittab to include:
>   id:3:initdefault:
> Then reboot, login into a virtual terminal and start X yourself using
> startx or xinit command. This will surely call your ~/.xinitrc. There
> will be no chance GNOME is started unless you do this in your ~/.xinitrc.
> Of course there are other ways to achieve this, even in init level 5.

Firstly make sure what version of fvwm you have installed on your system
with "fvwm -version" command and use "which fvwm" to find it's path.

>From my experiences with recent redhat releases, the easiest way to get
fvwm running happily on redhat 8.0 is to do something similar to what
Mikhael suggested above, but with the following diferences.

Boot to run level 3 console mode and use startx to start gnome normally.
Then open an xterm and using "ps aux" to find the pid of the current
gnome winow manager and kill -9 <pid> to kill it. For some reason
metacity doesn't play nice and I suspect fails to comply with ICCCM
specs. Then You can issue into the xterm a command to start fvwm such

fvwm -replace -f <your-config>

Then using the gnome panel which should still be running you can find
and use the session manager gui to save the session. Log out of X and
change /etc/inttab back to boot to run level 5, reboot, and it should
immediately start fvwm once you have logged in.

Of course you can also use the telinit command (as root of course) to
change run levels instead of editing inittab. Redhat seems to complicate
the startup files unecessarily and confuse new users with an
.Xclients-$HOSTNAME$DISPLAY file and can often ignore standard files
like .xinitrc but I'm not sure why.

Unfortunately the method I just outlined doesn't allow you to use the
switchdesk tool normally so you may have to fiddle a bit to switch back
and forth between fvwm and other window managers.


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And one says, "This is new, and therefore better"
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