On 15 Apr 2003 09:04:37 +0200, Uwe Pross wrote:
> On 14 Apr 2003 at 19:44:20 +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> >   AddToFunc enter_handler
> >   + I autohide FvwmTaskBar 500 SW
> >   #            ^           ^   ^
> >   #            |           |   |___  Shade direction (optional)
> >   #            |           |_______  Hide delay
> >   #            |___________________  Unique window name/resource
> > 
> >   AddToFunc autohide
> >   + I ThisWindow ($0) Deschedule $[w.id]
> >   + I ThisWindow ($0, shaded) WindowShade off
> >   + I Cond (!Match) All ($0, !shaded) autohide_hide $1 $2
> > 
> >   AddToFunc autohide_hide
> >   + I Deschedule $[w.id]
> >   + I Schedule $0 $[w.id] WindowShade $1
> > 
> >   AddToFunc StartFunction
> >   + I Module FvwmAuto FvwmAutohide -menter enter_handler
> What does "FvwmAutohide" do? The latest cvs version of the FvwmAuto
> man page says only:
> Module FvwmAuto Timeout [-passid] [-menter|-menterleave|-mfocus] 
> [EnterCommand [LeaveCommand]]

You are right, it is a tricky thing currently. Here is what happens.
This parameter is thought as a timeout by FvwmAuto, and since it is not a
number a timeout of 0 is assumed (we do our own timeout using Schedule).
But this "timeout that is not a number" string is not ignored by fvwm,
it uses heuristics and takes it as a module alias.

So you may to have several FvwmAuto running and kill them independently:

  Module FvwmAuto FvwmAuto-Beep -mfocus Beep
  Module FvwmAuto FvwmAuto-Raise -mfocus Raise

  # then after you find the first annoying, kill it only
  KillModule FvwmAuto FvwmAuto-Beep

So currently you may have either a non-zero timeout or an alias, or
FvwmAuto may be enhanced to support both. In the future there will be the
global non-tricky solution for module aliases in the core.

> BTW: Your solution requires that the autohide window is visible, 
>      doesn't it?

Yes, the Dominik's solution requires that a small frame square of 10x10
(with NoTitle, BorderWidth 5) is visible. Try: "WindowShade NW" on any
window. You may setup this 10x10 pixel frame to be always OnTop.

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