On Sunday 20 April 2003 15:00, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> > Hm, many apps don't support that hint. But I forged a function that
> > might be usable as a replacement for Exec:
> >
> >     DestroyFunc DExec
> >     AddToFunc DExec
> >     + I Style $0 StartsOnDesk $[desk.n], SkipMapping
> >     + I Exec $0
> >
> > But this doesn't seem to work since the command name $0 doesn't
> > neccessarily coincide with the proper style idenitifier.
> >
> > Any ideas how to fix this?
> Pass 2 arguments to a function, the mask and the command line.

Uh, then I need to find the mask (what is that exacly, do you mean the 
class?) for each application that I have in the menus. Any idea how to 
automate this by a script when I use eg. FVWM menus generated by external 

> > BTW, even KDE has that feature builtin.
> Which feature exactly do you speak about?
> Explain in detail what you want to get that KDE has builtin.
> Which application and which popup windows?

It's quite simple: Under KDE when I start an application on a certain 
desktop, say 2, and switch to another desktop, say 1, then, after being 
loaded, the application will pop up on desktop 2 without interrupting me 
working on desktop 1. Note that I'm not sure whether that holds true for 
absolutely all application and, unfortunately, I can't check it since KDE 
doesn't start anymore on my system (this might be due to some bugs in 
XFree86 as part of SuSE 8.2).


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