On Thu, Apr 24, 2003 at 04:40:54PM -0700, Mukesh Rathor wrote:
> I've this very annoying problem running JAVA gui on FVWM (2.4.15). The
> buttons get lost/disapper in Java Windows. Resizing the window does not
> resize the containers properly. This happens on FVWM on both AIX and
> Linux. However, using another window manager, KDE/CDE the problem does not
> happen. Any ideas, I like fvwm and would like to stay with it.

Do you have in your fvwm config line(s) which looks like:

Style * NoPPosition


I've noted enormous redrawing problems with this style and java. I
suggest you remove such lines (if any) and add at the end of your
config file the line:

Style * UsePPosition, UseTransientPPosition

with 2.5.6 you may also add:

Style * FixedPPostion

Regards, Olivier
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