On Friday 02 May 2003 21:26, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> > there seems to be no $[w.layer] variable. How do i get the number of
> > the layer that the current window is in?
> There is no currently such variable, but it may be added.
> Modules can receive the window layers.
> Since there are only 12 (usually 3) layers, you may find a layer by a
> simple query (several queries) like this:

No, there seem to be 20 layers. For example I can move a window to layer 20 
and a test similar to the one below verifies that it is indeed on layer 20. 
But I can't move it higher. Is that correct?

In addition, I have another question: 
With the following procedure I can move a window to layer 0.
    1. Open a window (e.g. an rxvt).
    2. Restart FVWM using the "Restart" function.
    3. Move the window to the default layer with "Layer default".
Is this a bug (I'm still using 2.5.6)?

>   ThisWindow (Layer 4) Echo it is on the layer 4

I wrote an initialization function that creates a function which sets the 
layer name of the current window as the title of a menu (this is useful for 
a window menu which allows changing of layers):

    AddToFunc Create-Move-To-Layer-Menu-Set-Title
    + I SendToModule FvwmPerl eval \
        for ($i=$f::minlayer; $i <= $f::maxlayer; $i++) { \
        command("AddToFunc Move-To-Layer-Menu-Set-Title I ThisWindow (Layer 
$i) AddToMenu Window-Operations-Move-To-Layer $i Title Top"); \

I set the varaibles $f::minlayer and $f::maxlayer somewhere else to 1 and 
20, respectively.


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