On Thu, Jun 12 at 21:05+0200 Christian Lyra wrote:
> Hi all
>       I'm trying to compile fvwm 2.5.7 but I'm getting this:
> With Xft anti-alias font support?   no: Can't detect Xft 1 or fontconfig
>       After ./configure. I already have libxft2-dev and libfontconfig-dev 
> (Debian 
> Sid), but configure failed to find it. If I'm not wrong the new fontconfig 
> package dont have the fontconfig-config binaries, so if ./configure looks for 
> this is no good...
>       Is there something else that can be done?

This worked for me: Save this script as "fontconfig-config" somewhere
in your $PATH:


pkg-config fontconfig $@


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