On 14 Jun 2003 15:46:57 -0400, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 14, 2003 at 07:16:02PM +0200, Olivier Chapuis wrote:
> > On Sat, Jun 14, 2003 at 10:49:00AM -0400, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> > > My wife uses Windowmaker, but is frustrated at its lack of a decent
> > > pager and is considering switching back to FVWM (which does so many more
> > > things right).  Does anyone know if it's possible to make Windowmaker
> > > dock-apps work in fvwm and/or make FvwmButtons work like the Windowmaker
> > > dock?
> > 
> > There are no pbs, just swallow docks-apps in a FvwmButtons:
> > 
> > ...
> > *FvwmButtons-WMakerApplets: (Frame 1, Size 64 64, \
> >     Swallow "wmCalClock" 'Exec exec wmCalClock -24')
> > *FvwmButtons-WMakerApplets: (Frame 1, Size 64 64, \
> >     Swallow "wmmon" 'Exec exec wmmon')
> > *FvwmButtons-WMakerApplets: (Frame 1, Size 64 64, \
> >     Swallow "wmjmail" 'Exec exec wmjmail')
> > ...
> Aha.  That looks like it'll do the trick.  The one thing I'm guessing it
> won't let her do is codelessly add new buttons on the fly ...  right?

How often should she change the setup? If once per month or year,
adding/removing some lines is not hard. If she does this often, you may
add a layer over FvwmButtons that creates these configuration lines.

I may think about several solutions. Say, using fvwm functions only plus
some shell commands. Or maybe creating a new module in perl similarly to
FvwmTabs that similarly catches a window and swallows it, just tiling all
windows instead of showing one at time.

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