On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 09:16:59PM -0400, Thomas R. Dean wrote:
> Hi. I've been using fvwm since I don't remember when, somewhere back
> around Redhat 5 anyways. Great WM, not as heavyweight as some
> of the others, and not as visually busy as the others as well.
> Anyhow, I just recently upgraded the Motherboard in my system and
> the keyboard.  The new keyboard has multimedia keys and I wanted
> to used them to control XMMS.  I also have a mac powerbook and having
> the volume keys work regardless of the application is very convenient.
> Target System is RedHat 9,  FVWM version 2.4.16.
> So i've done the following:
>  Used xmodmap in .xinitrc to bind XF86AudioRaiseVolume, etc. to the
>   appropriate keycodes. (and verified with xev)
> Added the following to my .fvwm2rc:
> Key XF86AudioRaiseVolume A A    ALL (XMMS*) Echo up $[w.id] $[w.name]
> Key XF86AudioLowerVolume A A    ALL (XMMS*) Echo down $[w.id] $[w.name]
> Key XF86AudioMute A A    ALL (XMMS*) Echo mute $[w.id] $[w.name]
> I was going to replace echo with an exec to execute a command that will
> send an KP_Up or KP_Down event directly to the XMMS window (which
> will adjust the volume).  As I understand the man page, the $[w.id] is 
> supposed to return
> the window id that the command is called on. There are two xmms windows, the
> main control and the playlist window.  Each press of the button should 
> echo two window
> ids (and the window name).
> If the focus is on the root, then the correct window ids  and titles are 
> echoed:
>  0x1400066 XMMS - song title info
>  0x14000cf  XMMS Playlist
> All is well so far. However, if any window has the focus then I get the
> window id of the window with the focus -- twice. So if the focus is on
> an xterm, I get two lines of:
>    up 0x1200026 xterm.
> I've looked through several months worth of archive and used google to 
> search
> the site, but I haven't found any help.
> Do I have the correct interpretation of $[w.id]? If not, what should I use?

  All (XMMS*) Echo $[w.id]

is actually two commands and thus the $[w.id] string is expanded
twice.  The first time is *before* the All command is run.  At
that moment, the context window is the window with the focus and
$[w.id] is replaced by its window id.  You need to protect the
$[w.id] from this step of variable expansion by adding additional
'$'s in front of it (even for me it's usually trial and error to
find out the correct number of '$'s):

  Key foo a a  All (XMMS*) Echo $$$[w.id]


Dominik ^_^  ^_^
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