
Im using fvwm 2.4.6 on Debian Woody. There are three Buttons on the right
hand side with the following functions:

2 Close
4 Maximise
6 Iconify

I wondered about the strange way Buttons were left out on transient windows,
which made no sense and furthermore did the Close-Button look pressed on
maximized windows. I tried changing this with

ButtonStyle 6 - MwmDecorMin
ButtonStyle 4 - MwmDecorMax
ButtonStyle 2 - Clear

without luck. I temporarily work around this problem by putting the
Minimize- and Maximize-Buttons to the rightmost position, what seems to be
what everyone is expecting. But I really want Iconify, Maximize, Close in
that order from left to right. Ill attach my fvwm2rc and post.hook, which
gets included after all command in fvwm2rc, to this mail.

BTW, is there a way to _always_ show all Buttons on every window (except
ones without a border at all, eg. xmms etc.)?

# For the benefit of emacs users: -*- shell-script -*-
# Configuration file for FVWM 2.xx originally by Lars Wirzenius
# modifications by Julian Gilbey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, copyright March 1999
# adopeted for fvwm 2.4 by Alexander Kotelnikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> August 2001
# This file can be used both as the system.fvwmrc and the per-user 
# ~/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc
# It uses certain `hooks' (files stored in /etc/X11/fvwm or ~/.fvwm) to allow
# the system administrator and user to modify menus, colors, and so on without
# having to change this file.
# The defaults that this file sets up follow my own taste.  They attempt to set
# up a nice, easy, comfortable environment for the "ordinary" user.  However,
# using the hooks, it should be possible to change anything.
# Please read /usr/share/doc/fvwm/README.sysrc.gz for more information.
# Hopefully, you will never have to modify this file.

# Section: pre.hook
# Use pre.hook for things that need to be done before anything else.
# For example, various paths (IconPath, PixmapPath, ModulePath) might
# be defined here.

Read /etc/X11/fvwm/pre.hook Quiet
Read pre.hook Quiet

# Section: Various global settings
# These settings are personal.
# If you need to modify them, do so in post.hook.

# DeskTopSize sets the size of the desktop in units of physical screen
# `pages'.  I prefer to use a single desktop with multiple pages,
# but many people like having multiple desktops.  I thinks its confusing.

DeskTopSize 3x3

# I like to be able to move between pages or desks simply by moving
# the mouse against the screen border.  I find it very useful.  The
# following command enables this behaviour.  To disable it, the
# command EdgeScroll 0 0 could be placed in the post.hook.

EdgeScroll 100 100

# When moving a window against the edge of the screen, it is
# nice to have a small resistance before the window is moved outside
# the screen.  This makes it easier to line windows against the
# edges.  I have also added some resistance to scrolling at the edges
# of the screen

EdgeResistance 250 100

# Section: Styles, colors, fonts, and related things
# This section defines the looks, behavior, and other attributes of windows.
# These are also quite personal.  Modify them in post.hook.

# The following sets window colors.  This is highly personal,
# of course, and I (jdg) have changed it to something I like!!  Feel
# free to destroy my choices in your post.hook!!

# Put the defaults in a separate decor so decor users can ignore them

Style "default-style" Font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*
Style "default-style" HilightFore white
Style "default-style" HilightBack steelblue

# We have four buttons in the default style: on the left, we can pull
# down a menu of window options; on the right, we can close, maximise
# and iconify.

DestroyDecor default-decor
AddToDecor default-decor
+ ButtonStyle Reset
                           [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL 
                           [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL 


# The following sets the window decorations: the window title, borders,
# and the handles in the corners.

# make the default decor the default:
Style "default-style" UseDecor default-decor, Color Black/DarkGrey

# Section: default-style.hook
# Use default-style.hook for general style changes which should happen
# as part of the default style, before the Style "*" UseStyle default-style
# command.  This is because a later Style "*" UseStyle foo command will lose
# all of the information below.

Read /etc/X11/fvwm/default-style.hook Quiet
Read default-style.hook Quiet

Style "*" UseStyle default-style

# I have commented out the RandomPlacement and the SmartPlacement styles,
# replacing them by ActivePlacement (which should be the default anyway).
# Also, NoPPostion completes this, although this may occasionally cause
# problems.  (Please let me know if this be the case!)
# I think it can be annoying for windows to suddenly appear without the
# user having an initial choice of where they do so.  This is, of course,
# completely changeable within the user's post.hook.
Style "*" BorderWidth 6
Style "*" HandleWidth 6
Style "*" MWMFunctions
Style "*" MWMBorder
Style "*" MWMDecor
Style "*" DecorateTransient
# Style "*" SmartPlacement
# Style "*" RandomPlacement
Style "*" ActivePlacement
Style "*" NoPPosition
Style "*" IconBox 0 0 50 -1

Style "Fvwm*" NoTitle
Style "Fvwm*" WindowListSkip
Style "Fvwm*" CirculateSkip

Style "FvwmButtons" Sticky
Style "FvwmIconMan" Sticky
Style "FvwmPager"   Sticky, StaysOnTop, Handles, HandleWidth 5

Style "FvwmIdent" Title
Style "FvwmIdent" WindowListHit
Style "FvwmIdent" CirculateHit

# Add icons to some common programs
Style "Emacs"       Icon gnu-animal.xpm, MiniIcon mini.emacs.xpm
Style "XTerm"       Icon xterm-linux.xpm, MiniIcon mini.xterm.xpm
Style "Ghostview"   Icon gv.xpm
Style "Gnuplot"     Icon graphs.xpm
Style "Xcalc"       Icon xcalc.xpm, MiniIcon mini-calc.xpm
Style "XBff"       Icon mail1.xpm, MiniIcon mini-mail.xpm
Style "Xman"        Icon xman.xpm, MiniIcon mini-manual.xpm
Style "Xmag"        Icon mag_glass.xpm, MiniIcon mini.xmag.xpm
Style "Mosaic"      Icon Mosaic.xpm
Style "Netscape"    Icon nscape.xpm, MiniIcon mini-nscape.xpm
Style "Xpaint"      Icon xpaint.xpm, MiniIcon mini.xpaint.xpm
Style "Manual Page" Icon xman.xpm, MiniIcon mini-manual.xpm
Style "Xedit"       Icon textedit.xpm, MiniIcon mini-edit.xpm
Style "*"           Icon default.xbm

# Section: Init and restart functions
# This section defines the functions InitFunction and RestartFunction.
# InitFunction is executed automatically when fvwm first starts.
# RestartFunction is executed automatically when fvwm restarts itself.
# They share a common hook, init-restart.hook, and two specific hooks,
# init.hook and restart.hook.
# init-restart.hook should be used for starting fvwm modules, such as the
# button bar.  init-hook should be used to start other applications; they
# should not be started again, when fvwm is restarted, since they don't
# die like fvwm modules do.  restart.hook exists mostly for completeness;
# tell me if you find any use for it.
# InitFunction runs the script setup-background, which looks in
# ~/.fvwm to see if the user wants some specific background color or
# image.
# The init.hook, init-restart.hook and restart.hook files should
# contain continuation lines, eg:
#   + "I" Exec xterm

DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc StartFunction
Read /etc/X11/fvwm/init-restart.hook Quiet
Read init-restart.hook Quiet

DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc InitFunction
Read /etc/X11/fvwm/init.hook Quiet
Read init.hook Quiet
#Exec exec setup-background

DestroyFunc RestartFunction
AddToFunc RestartFunction
Read /etc/X11/fvwm/restart.hook Quiet
Read restart.hook Quiet

# Section: Menus
# This section defines a small menu structure.  The main menu contains
# some typical entries, and uses a hook (main-menu.hook) to allow the
# user to add new entries.  Most of the default entries are submenus,
# which are also defined here.

# MWM style menus are easier to use and better for Windows refugees.

MenuStyle "*" mwm, Foreground black, Background grey, Greyed white, \
  Font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*

# Read in system and user menu definitions.

# Read system and user menu prefixes
# The title of the main menu will be provided by the menu-methods script
# which creates an AddToMenu /Debian "Main Menu" Title Top command in
# menudefs.hook.  We also add an xterm entry just in case the user has
# no menudefs and the menu package is not installed -- it could be quite
# embarrassing.  An example without this can be found in the examples
# directory.
DestroyMenu /Debian
AddToMenu /Debian
+  "Xterm"       Exec exec xterm
+  ""            Nop
Read /etc/X11/fvwm/main-menu-pre.hook Quiet
Read main-menu-pre.hook Quiet

# Read the auto-generated menus
Read /etc/X11/fvwm/menudefs.hook Quiet
Read menudefs.hook Quiet

# Add in user additions
Read /etc/X11/fvwm/main-menu.hook Quiet
Read main-menu.hook Quiet

# Tack a quit entry on to the end; this version uses a pop-up menu to ask
# the user to confirm, MWM-style (?).  The second line may be changed as
# indicated to use a popup form instead.  (The QuitVerify form is defined
# in system.warnings, read in later.)
AddToMenu /Debian
+  ""            Nop
+  "Exit Fvwm"   Popup Quit-Verify
# or:
# +  "Exit Fvwm"   Module FvwmForm QuitVerify

# The Window-Ops menu is for manipulating windows.  It is invoked either
# from the main menu, or directly from the root window.

DestroyMenu Window-Ops
AddToMenu Window-Ops "Alt-F1: Window Ops" Title
+ "Alt-F2:  Main Menu"                   Popup /Debian
+ "Alt-F3:  Lower"                       Lower
+ "Alt-F4:  Window List"                 WindowList
+ "Alt-F5:  Previous"                    Prev
+ "Alt-F6:  Next"                        Next
+ "Alt-F7:  Move"                        Move
+ "Alt-F8:  Resize"                      Resize
+ "Alt-F9:  (De)Iconify"                 Iconify
+ "Alt-F10: (Un)Maximize to screen"      Maximize 100 100
+ "Alt-F11: Raise"                       Raise
+ "Alt-F12: (Un)Stick"                   Stick        
+ "         (Un)Maximize vertical"       Maximize 0 100
+ "         (Un)Maximize horizontal"     Maximize 100 0
+ "         (Un)Shade"                   WindowShade
+ ""                                     Nop
+ "         ScrollBar"                   Module FvwmScroll 2 2
+ ""                                     Nop
+ "         Destroy"                     Destroy
+ "         Close"                       Close

# The Quit-Verify menu checks that the user really wants to exit.

DestroyMenu Quit-Verify
AddToMenu Quit-Verify "Really quit FVWM?" Title
+ "No, restart Fvwm"   Restart
+ ""                   Nop
+ "Yes, really quit"   Quit

# Section: Mouse bindings
# This section defines the mouse bindings, that is, all the things that
# can be done with the mouse.

# Each button gives a different menu from the background (root window).

Mouse 1   R  A  Menu /Debian
Mouse 2   R  A  Menu Window-Ops
Mouse 3   R  A  WindowList

# Moving and resizing, depending on which part of the window
# you grab (T=title bar, S=side/top/bottom, F=corner).

Mouse 0 T A move-and-raise-or-raiselower
#This caused problems with emacs selection (Bug #17668).
#Mouse 0 W M move-and-raise-or-raiselower
Mouse 0 W M   -
Mouse 0 F A resize-or-raiselower
Mouse 0 S A resize-or-raiselower

# Move or de-iconify an icon.

Mouse 0 I A move-or-winmenu-or-deiconify

# Buttons on the title bar (1,3,5,7,9 are on the left, 0,8,6,4,2 on
# the right side of the title bar).  Note that the bindings here
# make more sense if the ButtonStyle's defined earlier are retained.

Mouse 0 1 A Popup Window-Ops

Mouse 0 2 A Close
Mouse 1 4 A Maximize 0 100
Mouse 2 4 A Maximize 100 100
Mouse 3 4 A Maximize 100 0
Mouse 0 6 A Iconify

# Section: Key bindings
# This section binds some actions to keys.  The bindings have been inspired
# by MWM, Windows, and nightmares.  Everything that these key bindings do,
# can be done without them.  Therefore they should not be too much of a
# burden on new users, but it definitely _can_ be confusing to press a
# key by accident and have it do something completely unexpected.

Key Tab   A    M    Next [CurrentPage !iconic] focus-and-raise
Key Tab   A    MS   Prev [CurrentPage !iconic] focus-and-raise
Key Tab   A    CM   Next [CurrentPage] deiconify-and-focus
Key Tab   A    CMS  Prev [CurrentPage] deiconify-and-focus
Key Left  A    M    Scroll -100 +0
Key Up    A    M    Scroll +0 -100
Key Right A    M    Scroll +100 +0
Key Down  A    M    Scroll +0 +100
Key F1    A    M    Popup Window-Ops
Key F2    A    M    Popup /Debian
Key F3    A    M    Lower
Key F4    A    M    WindowList
Key F5    A    M    Prev
Key F6    A    M    Next
Key F7    A    M    Move
Key F8    A    M    Resize
Key F9    A    M    Iconify
Key F10   A    M    Maximize 100 100
Key F11   A    M    Raise
Key F12   A    M    Stick

# Section: Functions
# This section defines various functions.  Not all of these are used by
# the default bindings, but they can be useful for a user who wants to
# customize things.
# The following functions operate on a window or menu.  The
# names are systematic: foo means "do foo"; foo-or-bar means
# "do foo, if mouse is moving, bar if click"; and foo-or-bar-or-baz
# adds "baz, if double-clicked".

DestroyFunc move-or-winmenu-or-deiconify
AddToFunc   move-or-winmenu-or-deiconify
+ "M" Move
+ "C" Popup Window-Ops
+ "D" Iconify

DestroyFunc deiconify-and-focus
AddToFunc   deiconify-and-focus
+ "I" Iconify -1
+ "I" Focus

DestroyFunc deiconify-and-raise
AddToFunc   deiconify-and-raise
+ "I" Iconify -1
+ "I" Raise

DestroyFunc focus-and-raise
AddToFunc   focus-and-raise
+ "I" Focus
+ "I" Raise

DestroyFunc move-or-raiselower
AddToFunc   move-or-raiselower
+ "M" Move
+ "C" RaiseLower

DestroyFunc move-and-raise-or-raiselower
AddToFunc   move-and-raise-or-raiselower
+ "M" Move
+ "M" Raise
+ "C" RaiseLower

DestroyFunc move-or-raiselower-or-maximize-vertical
AddToFunc   move-or-raiselower-or-maximize-vertical
+ "M" Move
+ "C" RaiseLower
+ "D" Maximize 0 100

DestroyFunc resize-or-raiselower
AddToFunc   resize-or-raiselower
+ "M" Resize
+ "C" RaiseLower

# Configure a FvwmButtons module for the modules menu, but make sure
# user can easily override it with their own - so name it DebianFvwmButtons.
# To use this config, you need to invoke it as:
#   "Module FvwmButtons DebianFvwmButtons"
*DebianFvwmButtonsFore White
*DebianFvwmButtonsBack DarkSlateGrey
*DebianFvwmButtonsGeometry 430x100-0-0
*DebianFvwmButtonsRows 1
*DebianFvwmButtons(Title Help, Icon xman.xpm, Action 'Exec exec xman &')
*DebianFvwmButtons(Title xterm, Icon xterm.xpm, Action 'Exec exec xterm &')
*DebianFvwmButtons(Title emacs, Icon gnu-animal.xpm, Action 'Exec exec emacs &')
*DebianFvwmButtons(2x1, Swallow(UseOld,NoKill) "FvwmPager")

# Configure the FvwmPager module
*FvwmPagerBack SlateGrey
*FvwmPagerFore Black
*FvwmPagerFont none
*FvwmPagerHilight SlateBlue4
*FvwmPagerGeometry -0-0
*FvwmPagerSmallFont -*-times-medium-r-*-*-*-80-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmPagerDeskTopScale 32

# We start the pager in the InitFunction and RestartFunction, so that the
# user has control over whether it starts or not.  We do this by placing
# it in the system init-restart.hook, so that either the administrator
# can remove it or infividual users can kill it or set it up differently
# by placing something like the following in their personal
# init-restart.hook:
#    + "I" Wait FvwmPager
#    + "I" KillModule FvwmPager
#    + "I" Module FvwmPager 0 3

# This reads in various warning styles and checks for the presence or
# not of ~/.fvwm and ~/.fvwm2.
# Read /etc/X11/fvwm/system.warnings

# Section: post.hook
# Use post.hook to force things that may have been changed earlier, for
# example, key bindings.

Read /etc/X11/fvwm/post.hook Quiet
Read post.hook Quiet
EdgeScroll 0 0
SnapAttraction 10 SameType
Style "*" BorderWidth 4
Style "*" HandleWidth 4
Style "*" MinOverlapPlacement, RaiseTransient, \
  LowerTransient, StackTransientParent, UsePPosition, UseTransientPPosition
Style "*" IconBox 1100x1000+0-0, IconGrid 63 64, IconFill left bottom
Style "*" IconFont -adobe-helvetica-medium-o-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
# disables prohibited operations (by mwm hints) (NoFuncHint)
Style "*" MwmFunctions
# shades prohibited operations out, lets you perform anyway (NoOverride)
Style "*" HintOverride
# makes Button with MwmDecorMax look pressed. (FvwmButtons)
Style "*" MwmButtons
# respect decoration hints (NoDecorHint)
Style "*" MwmDecor

# temporary while MwmDecor*'s not working
DestroyDecor default-decor
AddToDecor default-decor
                           [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL 
                           [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL 
Style "default-style" UseDecor default-decor, Color Black/DarkGrey
Mouse 0 6 A Close
Mouse 1 2 A Maximize 0 100
Mouse 2 2 A Maximize 100 100
Mouse 3 2 A Maximize 100 0
Mouse 0 4 A Iconify
# end of temporary

#ButtonStyle 1 - MwmDecorMenu
#ButtonStyle 6 - MwmDecorMin
#ButtonStyle 4 - MwmDecorMax
#ButtonStyle 2 - Clear

MenuStyle "*" Animation
MenuStyle "*" Font -adobe-helvetica-bold-o-*-*-12-*

Mouse 1   R  A  Menu Window-Ops
Mouse 2   R  A  WindowList
Mouse 3   R  A  Menu /Debian
Mouse 1   WTSF 1 move-and-raise-or-raiselower  
Mouse 3   WTSF 1 Menu Window-Ops

Style "FvwmPager" StaysPut

Style "*" IconOverride
Style "**"              Icon 
Style "XTerm"           Icon 
Style "xmms"            Icon /usr/share/icons/wm-icons/56x46-3dpixmaps/sound.xpm
Style "Xedit"           Icon 
Style "Bitmap"          Icon 
Style "Dia"             Icon 
Style "Gimp"            Icon /usr/share/icons/wm-icons/56x46-3dpixmaps/gimp.xpm
Style "XCalc"           Icon 
Style "Mozilla-bin"     Icon /usr/share/icons/wm-icons/56x46-3dpixmaps/www.xpm
Style "XBiff"           Icon /usr/share/icons/wm-icons/56x46-3dpixmaps/mail.xpm
Style "VCLSalFrame"     Icon 
Style "Vmware"          Icon 
Style "Gkrellm"         Icon 
Style "XConsole"        Icon 
Style "XLoad"           Icon 
Style "Xvidtune"        Icon 
Style "Editres"         Icon 
Style "Clock"           Icon /usr/share/icons/wm-icons/56x46-3dpixmaps/clock.xpm
Style "XClipboard"      Icon 
Style "XClock"          Icon /usr/share/icons/wm-icons/56x46-3dpixmaps/clock.xpm
Style "Xcolorsel"       Icon 
Style "XCutsel"         Icon 
Style "XFontSel"        Icon /usr/share/icons/wm-icons/56x46-3dpixmaps/font.xpm
Style "Xmag"            Icon 
Style "AcroRead"        Icon 
Style "AleVT"           Icon 
Style "GV"              Icon 
Style "Display"         Icon 
Style "MPlayer"         Icon /usr/share/icons/wm-icons/56x46-3dpixmaps/video.xpm
Style "XDvi"            Icon 
Style "Xditview"        Icon 
Style "GQview"          Icon 
Style "Xawtv"           Icon /usr/share/icons/wm-icons/56x46-3dpixmaps/video.xpm
Style "XEyes"           Icon 
Style "XLogo"           Icon 
Style "Xman"            Icon /usr/share/icons/wm-icons/56x46-3dpixmaps/help.xpm

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