On Wed, Sep 03, 2003 at 10:48:10AM -0400, Jesse L Farinacci wrote:
> * Mikhael Goikhman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > > On Tue, Sep 02, 2003 at 03:16:49PM -0400, Jesse L Farinacci wrote:
> > > > % cat fvwm-options
> > > > --prefix $HOME/bin/fvwm  --disable-bidi --disable-xft \
> > > > --without-gnome  --disable-nls  --disable-xinerama \
> > > > --without-stroke  --with-png-library=$HOME/bin/libpng/lib \
> > > > --with-png-includes=$HOME/bin/libpng/include --disable-xrender
> > 
> > dnl     * boolean (no, yes or blank): whether to use library or not
> > dnl     * file: assumed to be the name of the library
> > dnl     * directory: assumed to *contain* the library
> > 
> > It seems like there is simply no such directory $HOME/bin/libpng/lib.
> hello, i have verified that this is in fact a directory.  i've even gone
> so far as to rebuild the libpng libraries and performed its own set of
> diagnostics.  everything appears to be behaving AOK.  is there some way
> for me to give more information that would be helpful?  please let me
> know.  ..i miss my fvwm..

Take a look at the config.log file generated by ./configure.  See
where it tried to detect libpng.  The messages there may help you
solve the problem.  If not, post the file to the mailing list.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^
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